Stay Away from Anxiety: Anxiety Disorders in Hong Kong

As a Hong Konger, there should be no more or no less anxiety, especially after two years in Hong Kong and the world. I think anxiety disorders are like other mental illnesses, like depression, that everyone has, but some people are mild and some people are more serious.

As a Hong Konger, there should be no more or no less anxiety, especially after two years in Hong Kong and the world. I think anxiety disorders are like other mental illnesses, like depression, that everyone has, but some people are mild and some people are more serious. It is not necessary to see a doctor for minor cases. As long as it does not have much impact on life, most people can find the exit on their own. However, if it is serious enough to affect ordinary life, they need to find someone for help or seek medical advice.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Examples of anxiety disorders

There are also many live examples of anxiety disorders around me. For example, before I apply for annual leave to travel, a former colleague of mine would talk to my colleagues about the fear of a plane crash, but she still travels every year. In fact, the proportion of plane crashes is much lower than the probability of general traffic accidents. If you are afraid of flying, but you are not afraid of taking transportation, isn't it a contradiction? (Although plane crashes are usually a close call).

And my dad is also a typical mild anxiety sufferer. There are too many examples in life, such as:

Since last year, he has often asked me when it is time for me to change my smart ID card, and told me to take him to change it if I do.

In July this year, I can start registering the government's $5,000 electronic consumption voucher. He asked me many times in May how to get it. At that time, there was no specific information, and I was not too sure, because I didn't want him to bother me anymore. I just said directly, I gave him $5,000 in cash, and I helped him get the coupons, but he was so embarrassed that he became angry with me;

He often moaned and moaned at home, so the negative energy in the home was very heavy. Even my wife and I were affected by him, so I would feel a little irritable at home.

But I found that this is the case with many elderly people. For example, when I was out on the bus, I often saw some elderly people constantly knocking on things with their hands, or using their feet on the floor, making noises, and they just couldn’t sit normally and quietly. In fact, this is a kind of harassment for others, and the sound it makes will also cause anxiety in others, so anxiety and negative energy will infect others.

Anxiety Disorders Personal Experience

Last year, I also found that I also had symptoms of anxiety disorder. Whether I went out to play with my wife, or ate or watched a movie, I didn’t feel very happy. I found that something must be wrong with my emotions. Five years ago, I made less money, but I feel more carefree than I am now. Now I make more money, but I am full of anxiety about the future. This problem has been bothering me for a long time, and even my body has a problem. I can't stand it anymore, and I am determined to make changes for myself, so I plan to quit my job in November last year, but because of the boss's retention, I I finally quit my job in February this year, and I have been doing what I like for the past six months. I told myself to try not to worry too much. Now I feel that my mood is a little better, although I sometimes feel lost, but now it is better than going to get off work every day. The rigid life of sleeping is much better.

My Advice for Anxiety Disorders

If you also feel that you have anxiety and are a little lost about the future and don’t know what to do, here I offer a simple suggestion: When you don’t know what you like to do, find out what you don’t like to do , remove these things from your life, because many people do not know themselves, lose themselves in the life of the military, and do things they don’t like every day for the sake of life without knowing it. Affects mood, causing depression and anxiety. So, when you haven't found what you like to do, try to stay away from the things you don't like to do, so that your life will be significantly improved, just like I quit my daily routine and use that time Come find something you love to do and rekindle your passion for life. I hope the above suggestions can help you, of course, if the condition is too serious, I suggest you still seek the assistance of a doctor.


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橄欖泥一個平凡的香港"中佬",興趣是省錢、健身、唱歌、吃喝玩樂。曾經到澳洲working holiday生活兩年,遇上了現任的台灣太太,從此生活變得不平凡。 我經營的部落格: 我的Facebook個人専頁:
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