Ferret Primary School | Those little things about eggs (Part 1)

This is another published article, after all, there has been a shortage of eggs recently. Just a few cool things about eggs.

It is the ferret primary school that was knocked on the bowl again. Anyone who is shopping for vegetables or cooking their own rice will know that there has been a serious "egg shortage" in Taiwan in recent months. It is hard to find eggs. Not long ago My friends will also say that I am a human being with free eggs, because it is really difficult to buy eggs, and even 7-11 tea eggs cost 15 yuan (money grab)

So let's talk a little bit about "eggs"

1. Which one is more nutritious, white egg or brown egg? Are brown-shell eggs just earth eggs?

In business, chickens are divided into: broiler chickens, egg chickens, and egg-meat chickens. Because of different performances, different strains are cultivated.
What I am talking about here is the mode of commercial egg laying. Generally, the nutritional value of white-shell eggs and brown-shell eggs is not much different, and brown-shell eggs are not necessarily soil eggs.
(Unless you buy functional eggs, because the feed formula is different, like some Ganoderma lucidum eggs for chickens, which are relatively nutritious, but I think it’s a gimmick, I buy Ganoderma lucidum directly and eat faster )

After a hen enters the laying period, it takes about 23-25 hours to lay an egg ( can you introduce the process of how a hen lays an egg next time?)

Why is brown-shell eggs more expensive than white-shell eggs ?

2. What is the size of the egg?

Is the bigger the egg the better? Why are there double-yolked eggs? Why do the eggs I buy break easily?
Egg size depends on "hen nutrition", "laying age", "environmental impact"
Eggs, no matter how big or small, are actually nutritionally similar, except for the laying hens.
Newly laid hens will lay smaller eggs, older hens will lay larger eggs (the overall nutrition will not be much worse)

Double yolk is because the hen releases two eggs during ovulation, just like human twins.
(If it is fertilized, the chicks cannot be hatched, which often occurs in older hens)

Eggshells can be used as the basis for the health of hens . There are many factors that affect hens’ egg production during egg laying. The environment may suddenly become hot, lack of water, be frightened, get sick, and lack nutrition.

If a hen is frightened, 200% of the next time the eggs will be soft shell eggs (severe cases may result in a day or two of laying no eggs).

The composition of an egg is composed of yolk, egg white, and egg shell (who doesn't know nonsense), and the proportion of an egg is about 30% egg yolk, 60% egg white, and 10% egg shell (meaning you buy ten eggs back In fact, there are only nine edible ones at home, and one is used to buy eggshells)

Generally, the size of the eggs of the "boxed eggs" we buy in the market is about the size of a medium egg, which is 55-60g .
Because mass production is commercialized and standardized, the size of the eggs will be controlled to facilitate the packaging and selection of the factory. It is just right that 10 eggs are about 600g, which is equal to the price of a pound in Taiwan. After seeing the price of eggs ÷ 10, it is about one egg. The current price of eggs.

Eggs of various sizes may appear in scattered eggs.

Source - Taiwan National Standard CNS2100 Eggs

3. How long can eggs be kept before they go bad?

It says "Broken" here. (As long as you find that the yolk is scattered or has an odor when you beat the egg, it means the egg, please throw it away)

How long can eggs be kept? If you don't care about "new or fresh", you only care about edible. Eggs that have not been washed in a cool place in winter can be stored for 1-2 months (provided that they cannot be damaged and the eggs cannot touch water)

When I was in high school, the teacher bought a basket of loose eggs for us to process egg products at the beginning of the term. Pick out the broken and broken ones first and keep them in a cool place. We have used the blue egg for more than a month or two without breaking. Of course, in the later stage, the eggs became relatively stale. He didn't stink or break. (Very suitable for making tea eggs)

If you want me to give you the best tasting period for eggs, my suggestion is to eat them within a week. After more than a week, it is recommended to eat fully cooked eggs. The less fresh eggs are, the more obvious the "egg smell" will be.

How to tell if an egg is fresh

If the egg yolk is raised and shiny on the side after the egg is opened, it means that the fresh egg white near the yolk is called "thick egg white" . Thinner egg whites mean less fresh eggs

Source - home-made ferret pen wide noodles (fresh on the left, relatively stale on the right)

The blunt end of the egg is the location of the air chamber (the bigger the stale), so the egg with the blunt end will last longer.

The inside of the egg itself is "sterile" because it is inside the hen's body during the production process, so as long as the egg is not broken (the egg is sterile when it is produced), but if the hen has a sick egg, it may be It's bacterial.

So why are there cases of salmonella poisoning by eating eggs?
Because the place where the chicken excretes is called the common vent (cloaca) is the junction of the digestive tract, ureter, and reproductive duct. Defecation, urine and reproduction of poultry share the same outlet. If the chicken poop is not clean, it may be contaminated with feces when laying eggs, and the feces have a large amount of Salmonella. (If you just eat it again, it may cause salmonella poisoning)

4. Which is better for boxed eggs in supermarkets or loose eggs in the market? In fact, each has its own advantages

Which egg do you think will last longer? Should it be kept at room temperature or in the refrigerator?

The answer is: Unprocessed eggs at room temperature can be stored for a long time.

The reason is that when the chicken lays eggs, it will produce a layer of glycoprotein mucus on the surface of the egg, which will block the capillaries on the surface of the egg shell and become a natural protective film (but the cuticle film will be washed off as long as it touches water, The pores on the surface of the eggshell allow germs to enter.) There is also lysozyme inside the egg, so the egg can be stored for 20-30 days.

Advantages of boxed eggs at room temperature: Most of the boxed eggs at room temperature are selected in size, and the feces and dirt on the surface will be removed with a cloth (the eggs will not be washed), and the storage time can be longer than that of refrigerated boxes. It will take a long time to put the eggs (it is recommended to put them in the refrigerator if they are not eaten within three to five days. If you buy the ice and take the ice directly, it will directly destroy the protective film on the surface)

If the feces are not cleaned up and not cleaned when eating, it may lead to bacterial contamination.

Market loose eggs

Advantages: The price is cheaper, you can choose the size you like, and you can choose the quantity you need

Disadvantage: If the sanitation treatment is not done properly, it may lead to broken eggs, damage to the protective layer, fecal contamination, and disease contamination.

Refrigerated Boxed Eggs

The washing process is very troublesome. Eggs will lose their protective film after washing with water, and the pores on the surface will lead to the possibility of bacteria entering. After washing, the eggs need to be dried. The finished eggs can only be refrigerated, transported and stored (as for whether or not to do it obediently, I don’t know if I have never worked in an egg washing factory)
Eggs are more susceptible to contamination if washed the wrong way

Advantages: The factory helps you wash and pick the eggs. Normally, the eggs have been inspected and the eggs are relatively clean.

Cons: High price, shorter shelf life, must be refrigerated

5. How to eat eggs is better?

Personally recommend to buy the room temperature boxed eggs. My suggestion is to eat them within a week. After more than a week, it is recommended to eat fully cooked <br class="smart">The boxed eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for the first three days, and then dull Store side up. (If the egg is dirty, please wipe it with a cloth or toilet paper, do not wash it with water)
Wash the eggs with warm water before eating them, it will be cleaner (if you are afraid of salmonella poisoning, cook the eggs until fully cooked)

Whether it is loose eggs, boxed eggs, or washed eggs, they will be tested (drug residues, antibiotics) before they are sold in the market.

As I continue to write, it may become a super long article, so I will introduce it very briefly.

Welcome to ask everyone who has questions. What do you want to ask about eggs?
You can ask about the egg production cycle of chickens, the way of raising chickens, the nutritional value of egg whites and egg yolks, the current situation of the chicken industry, bird flu, and egg shortages, but I will try my best to organize and answer them.

See you next time at the ferret primary school~


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