Church Tour|Sacred Heart Church (Visit date: December 6, 2018)


Sacred Heart Church is similar in appearance to St. Peter and St. Paul's Church, except for the color. They are mainly rectangular, with two crosses added to the roof to let visitors know the location of the sanctuary.

Church of the Sacred Heart

The outer wall of the Sacred Heart Church is mainly red and blue, and the outer wall is made of granite. The eaves of the main entrance are only supported by several stone pillars, and there is a cross made of stone blocks in the center of the outer wall. The outer wall of the church is also surrounded by colored light bulbs, which are very eye-catching at night when the lights are on. Since the Sacred Heart Church is located on a small mountain glass, one cannot help but be reminded of a biblical sentence: "You are the light of the world; a city built on a hill cannot be hidden" (Matthew / Matthew 5:14)

Sacred Heart of Jesus

There is a metal statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the right side of the door, which seems to be rare in Catholic churches in Hong Kong.

"Last Supper" statue

The "Last Supper" statue on the lintel of the entrance means that when the faithful enter the church to attend Mass, they are attending the banquet set up by Jesus.

Inside the Sacred Heart
seven icons

There are seven icons behind the altar, a design that is rare in Hong Kong. Seven icon paintings, namely Jesus (middle), Madonna (third from left), and Asian martyrs: Jin Dajian (first from left), Cao Guiying (second from left), Father Francis Xavier (third from right), Laolenzolus (second from right), Miki (first from right).

Two icons on the left side of the sanctuary

The two icons are Fr. Saint Blessed Joseph (left) and Blessed Fr. Lei Yongming (right).

Father St. Joseph was one of the first missionaries to be sent to China as missionaries. After serving in Hong Kong for two years, he went to China to do evangelization work, and finally died of typhoid fever in Jining, Shandong. He was beatified by Pope Paul VI and canonized by Pope John Paul II on 5 October 2003.

Blessed Fr. Lei Yongming preached in China in 1931. He is better known for his establishment of the Sigao Bible Society, which translated the Bible into Chinese. He died in Hong Kong in 1976.

The Eucharist
Crucifixion of Jesus on the door
Octagonal Baptismal Pool
small clock tower

There is a small bell tower on the side of the church, which was used to gather the faithful to participate in the Sunday Mass.

Our Lady of the Rock

Church information

Address: Lot 221, Lot 1762, Yau Ma Po Street, Sai Kung Market, New Territories Tel: 2792-2967, 2792-0181
Fax: 2792-2967


1. Exploration of Historic Buildings in the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong (Sacred Heart Church)
2. Introduction - Fr.
3. Introduction - Blessed Father Lei Yongming


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