standing at 30


had a great year

Entering the 30th anniversary.

A baby was born.

The person who thought that he would never be a mother, was a little overwhelmed.

Suddenly I realized a passage from "The Little Prince":

"My rose, others will think she is the same as you, but she alone is better than all of you. Because she is the one I watered. Because she is the one I put in the flower cover. Because she is the screen I use Protected. Because I got rid of the caterpillars on her body. Because I have listened to her lamentation, her boasting, and even her silence in some cases. Because she is my rose."

It turns out that life is so precious,

Not because of who she is, but because the time I spend on my roses makes my roses so important.

Looking forward to 2020 and every year after

I can keep this original intention;

Water every rose in life

, cherish every bloom.

The little prince said:

"All adults were once children, though, only a few remember."

May we, after 2020, always remember the children in our hearts;

Simple and beautiful.

See you next year.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

甯娘聊一聊我是甯娘,愛吃、愛笑、愛說教 寫作是療癒自己的過程 IG:
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