[Maya] The Rhythm of the Yellow Sun Wave Talisman Red Snake Day - Just being alive is not enough. We want freedom, sunshine, and a little flower.

Even if it takes a lot of energy just to live, don't forget to leave a little bit of effort to find that little flower, there must be some, as long as we are willing to look for it.

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Power Yellow Seed Year Cosmic Turtle Moon Day 6 Red Start Week Day 6 Limi Solar Plexus Chakra/Purification
KIN45 Rhythm Red Snake Day Message
 How to have that sunshine?

My own rhythm I know best my passion for life at my own pace

The first half of the Yellow Sun Wave has been completed. I don't know how everyone feels during this time. Today is the 6th day - Rhythm Red Snake Day. The sense of rhythm is a continuous but comfortable and calm state. It is also like dynamic balance in physics. Balance is not only static, but finding balance in motion is an art.

The red snake has a soft figure and is very grounded . On this day of the rhythmic red snake, go for a walk in the suburbs! If possible, you can take off your shoes and feel the feeling of using your feet on the ground to feel this reality The sense of touch may have another idea of life.

The red snake and the yellow sun overlap on the topic of loving life. On the rhythmic red snake day of the yellow sun wave symbol, continuing to maintain the passion for life will be the feeling we can feel on this day. In the previous article I I once mentioned that when it comes to the red snake, I will think of this sentence in Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tale - Butterfly

 Just being alive is not enough. We want freedom, sunshine, and a little flower.

Even if it takes a lot of energy just to live, don't forget to leave a little bit of effort to find that little flower, there must be some, as long as we are willing to look for it.

For more information, please follow the Facebook fan group: Yellow Gypsy
IG, TikTok: LuzWu222
YouTube Channel: Yellow Gypsies
Podcast Channel: Yellow Gypsies , That Light--Luz Ruth's Chatting World


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