Explore parent-child relationships from the movie "Lady Bird" and the TV series "Your Children Are Not Your Children"

After watching the series of "Lady Bird" and "Your Child", there is the same friction between parents and children in adolescence, but the former really doesn't resonate with me who was born in Chinese society (although I am quite envious). "Your Child" evokes the collective trauma of everyone's growth. In the five episodes, I like "The Peacock" with a sense of magical realism, fables and black comedy. This episode is full of colorful embellishments and retro psychedelic toning. More reminiscent of Wes Anderson's shooting style.
Written in August 2018

I recently watched the series of "Lady Bird" and "Your Child", and there are both parent-child frictions during adolescence, but the former really doesn't resonate with me who was born in Chinese society. The mother in "Lady Bird" will at least get along with the child like a friend. When the child wants to be recognized, he will not completely ignore it. The mother will also reflect on her own discipline in a timely manner, and she does not force the child to have any achievements. Basically, the discipline is super free, and it will not interfere with the children's social interaction. The parents are very kind when the boyfriend comes to the house. There is no forced separation, and there is no guilt. Interfering with the time and object, being bullied by the scumbag, the mother did not say anything but quietly comforted him, and there was no father who was indifferent and did not pay for the family in the play.

A particularly heartwarming scene in "Lady Bird"

In "Lady Bird", the father and mother have completely different personalities, but they both treat their daughter as a friend, give spiritual and financial support, and respect her daughter's dream. After reading it, I really feel that you are super happy, Christine. Why are you tangled up in pranking there? ? Look at the parents of the previous generation in our Chinese society, many of them do not regard their children as independent individuals at all, never care about life outside of schoolwork, and only provide food and clothing without any spiritual support and understanding.

I just want to post sweet tea who plays the premature ejaculation scumbag 🙈
 "Your Child is Not Your Child" is an introduction to the 2018 Taiwanese poetry anthology TV series, adapted from five stories in the novel of the same name by writer Wu Xiaole, namely "Mom's Remote Control", "Cat's Child", and "The Last of Jasmine" One Day", "Peacock", "Must Move Over", each story has two episodes, the whole play has ten episodes in total, directed by Chen Huiling. The story focuses on the interaction between parents and children. Under the packaging of sci-fi elements, the content satirizes the distorted parent-child relationship and educational dilemma under Taiwan's education system and the wrong way of educating children by most parents to wake up the public.

"Your Child" evokes the collective trauma of many people's growth process. I used to be considered super cute. I hardly ever tricked my family into secretly doing other things, and I don't have the kind of friends around me who would take me to skip class, skip tuition, and self-study to play. . I remember that when I was a child, I liked going to school for a while, because my parents were so annoying when I stayed at home. It was much more fun to go to school to play with my classmates, but I never thought about disappearing from the world or wanting to self-harm to gain attention. Disappearing is also the disappearance of the person who caused me stress!

Judging from the episode, it seems that today's students are more stressed than ever, and have they missed more of their childhood? Could it be that after 10 years of education, diploma is still the most important thing? Or is it only in metropolitan areas? (I think the people in the show are very rich, so I asked a bunch of tutors) Even good writing is regarded as a useless skill, and reading novels is banned, too bad! Without the edification of various forms of art and culture, without social experience, without self-interested exploration, I am afraid that what will grow up will be a very boring person! ! !

your child is not your child ep 4 peacock

You can only watch one episode a day in this series, otherwise it will be too heavy. The first three episodes were filmed like a thriller. The fifth episode "Must Move Over" has a visual style that is not thrilling, and has a taste of paying homage to "Black Mirror", but Slightly dull and boring Slightly boring, I like "Peacock" with a sense of magical realism, fables, and black comedy the most. The scenes in this episode are not dark and cold, there are colorful colors everywhere, and the color palette is full of retro psychedelic sense, and some mirror movements It is reminiscent of "Emily Rabbit" or Wes Anderson's shooting style. The peacock is a great symbol. When mocking humans, the tone is really super machine XD This episode is also father/father. An episode in which love finally has a sense of existence. The atmosphere is relatively relaxed, but the storyline is very bitter, and it is a human tragedy that can be seen everywhere in the real society.

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