【Baker Wants to Enjoy】You can move from the balcony to the living room

Ping Ping, the skin of preserved eggs, is called like a fluttering wind chime, with such a soft and gentle voice.

Seven years ago, it was found in a ditch near my wife's grandmother's house before opening its eyes. "Ouch! Wild cats have a lot of bacteria, don't touch it!" Walking back to the end of the alley, he kept chanting words. After eating the tasteless dinner, my wife made an excuse to go out, and crept to the end of the dark alley. In the dark and damp grass, she found a dying little cloud ; she immediately rushed home and called As soon as he got there, he ran to the nearest veterinary clinic; finally, under the care of the doctor, the frail body barely raised his head, sniffing and screaming to the sky, until his wife approached, and the two slits on his face were faintly glowing. , Perhaps at that moment, the wife became its destination.

Ping Ping

In front of the wife, it is a dog . It has always been on call to the wife, although the wife has always said that it can understand her name, but I think as long as it is her voice! This cat has absolutely no resistance to rubbing his head, slapping his butt, touching his back, or even rubbing his stomach. Of course, only his wife's magic can achieve that; even cats like cutting their nails and bathing are usually scared to death, as long as the wife There is no pressure.

After we got married, we discovered that it was actually a human being . My mother didn't like pets, so she kept it at her parents' house; because she didn't go back for a while, she no longer knew her name, just sat quietly in the distance with her back to her, and looked back at her from time to time. Immediately got up and walked forward a distance, as if there was a wall between them; the wife whimpered and called its name, lowered her body lower and lower, and finally fell down completely ; it turned to look at her, swaying Tail, the meow made the wife's tears burst; she crawled forward to approach it, "Ping Ping" let Ping Ping's stomach exposed.

According to my wife, it is the most "wild little" cat. I remember that I, who was not my boyfriend, had been to their zoo; if I remember correctly, in the heyday, in addition to seven adults, there were four cats, one dog, two birds, hundreds of animals in this room. fish. It loves to bully the lame old cat, rushes out of the shadows, punches it "cat" and then runs away, leaving behind an old grandma who has long given up resistance, meaning to be angry; it is obviously not an orange cat, but it loves to eat Incredible, especially fond of seafood, often stealing fish and shrimp on the table when no one is there, making a mess and then stealing; it also likes to jump, but it is unhappy that there is anything on the table blocking its way, So during a certain "jumping off the building auction", he accidentally broke his father-in-law's teapot, and was caught, spanked and reprimanded; since then it never broke anything, but it became more and more more neurotic.

sun cat again

"I hate the cat that hates me. If you want to live in my house, you can sleep on the balcony!" This cat has never paid attention to me. It looks like a ghost, let alone touching it. It's not just me, any male human being is treated as a terrifying predator. This is the aftermath of being beaten by my father-in-law. In order for her child to be favored by the gold owner, every time she goes to their house, the wife must first catch it, then hold it in front of me, and teach me to use the appropriate method to "siege the city" on it; but Whenever I tried my best to think that I had captured a city, I was taken back by its wide eyes.

There have been several times when it has run away from home, but it doesn't count! My wife didn't come home very often in those days, and she was still nervous after being traumatized. A little louder, a little louder, or even a little strange smell, can make her run away from the scene in fright, curl up and tremble in the dark ; It was just right. There were a few times when I forgot to close the door, and for some reason it was frightened and rushed out of the door, but no one noticed it at the moment. "Husband, please help me find it together, I know you don't like it, but please, okay..." At eleven o'clock in the evening, we had been around the neighborhood for three hours, and there was no Now, my wife's emotions are already on the verge of collapse, so I can only calm her down. Finally, think about as a mother, where your children will go when they run away from home. So she suddenly ran up to the direction of the basement at home. It rained heavily yesterday, and it was dark and dark, with standing water, mosquitoes, and piles of tools everywhere. With the flashlight on our mobile phone on, we walked into the dark and damp basement and found a big gasping man. clouds .

After all, she is still her mother, so she still has to deal with things like seeing a doctor and getting vaccinated. Of course, I am also indispensable. My wife would always let me hold the backpack with Ping Ping and remind me to make it face my body so that she would feel safe; it was still the same, curled up and turned its head, but this time there was no escape, only relying on Before waiting for the veterinarian to see me , I unzipped my backpack, took advantage of the cat's danger, and slapped its head, chin, back, and butt, and I occupied it all except its desperately protected belly. ; When the treatment was over, it returned to my arms, and while waiting for the medicine to be prepared, I found that it kept peeking at me until I took advantage of it again.

I hope you can be so chill when you come to our house

There was no one around, so we had a Manˊs talk. It appeared in front of me rarely, and sat with my back to me, and I sat down with a chair;

"Don't be so arrogant, you want food, you want to live with your mother, and you have to come to a pier!"

It ignored me, just groomed and looked back;

"I know you're just shy, it's okay, I won't tell anyone, just be honest with yourself!"

It still ignored me, just turned to me, and fell down;

"I'm begging you, give me a step down, you can just pretend, and let's live in our house!"


It turned around, wagging its tail, and left my sight faintly,

I was left alone, awkwardly lying on the ground.

Last week, because there was no one in her family, she was afraid that her baby would starve to death, so she went back to her family with her wife. It's the same operation again, grabbing it, and explaining the strategic point again; I stretch out my trembling hands, rub my head, chin, back, and butt... This sound? "Purning..." This is the purr that cats make when they feel comfortable! Then its front feet began to keep grasping and releasing, which also means that the cat was very relaxed at this time; the wife left us silently, admiring the wonder from a distance: a proud cat with a cool belly, with a cool To the arrogant man who couldn't hide his smile; from this moment, "You can move from the balcony to the living room!"

📝There are a few questions I would like to ask you all :

✔️Do you also have cute and arrogant pets at home?
✔️ Does its name have any special meaning?
✔️ What are some interesting stories ?

📝Extended reading: those things between me and my wife's family

✔️Grandpa 's Farewell Ceremony
✔️ Back to her parents' home that year
heart-wrenching words of a girl
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