Middle-aged and unemployed ___ A successful day in sideline business: The fraud group made me 4,500 yuan


There will be more pictures in this article, mainly looking at the screenshots of the dialogue between pictures and texts and an experience that I want to expose myself to being scammed.

Because I am unemployed, I watch TV drama mobile games at home. Because I have nothing to do, it is easy to get anxious, so I must always slide my mobile phone when watching dramas. Maybe I can try home OEM! And you can do things without a brain and make a small income.

I saw a lot of po posts in the Facebook community asking for family OEMs, including sticking labels, stickers, bagging small items, etc. It seems very unreliable but it seems a bit reasonable. People live because of They will seize a glimmer of self-deceiving hope, climb up this thin line, and then fall into the abyss if they are not careful, but people will believe that they can do it as long as they work hard.

Similar to this, you can try to join and be scammed

In fact, it's quite paradoxical. I don't want to exist, but I always continue to live and leave traces of existence. According to individual economics, I only need to set a stopping point, and then evenly distribute the current resources to ensure that I'm enjoying my savings at the end of the day, rather than trying to accumulate more.

After leaving a message and wanting to know the details, I will add a line to tell you the details. In short, I will tell you that there is no shortage of people for this job at present, but if you have other jobs, you only need to use your mobile phone to perform it. One order is 90 yuan, 369 points a day. Online orders are made every 10-15 minutes, about 7-9 orders a day are not necessarily, there is no compulsion to do when there is time, and then the salary can be paid weekly or monthly.

The commissioner explains the process and joins the group

However, I have to deposit 500 yuan into the account opened by the company's system (as the principal, but the person I contacted should be a newcomer who doesn't know much, so I didn't explain much). I said I gave up because I didn't want to take 500 out. The other party may lack performance, so he asked (acting?) for a while and said that he first lent me 500 yuan and then returned it to him when I settled the salary and withdraw.

The commissioner who contacted me was called Chen Xi. Seeing how miserable Tuxiu was, he knew it was a fake account, but he still thanked him for lending me 500 yuan and then took me to the order group to find out.

Thanks Commissioner Chen Xi

Because I was suddenly kicked out of the large group of single systems, there are no screenshots. But there is a group with systems and tricks. When they reveal the truth or say something unfavorable to this fraud group, they will be removed from the content and kicked out of the group. This organization is divided into "CEO → Personnel Assistant → Specialist" and "Company Accountant". Every 369 o'clock, the CEO will tell everyone to log in to an exchange rate trading system made by them, and let the part-time mother, mother, sister, sister, etc. get profit. To withdraw this income, you must take a screenshot and apply to your commissioner.

The accounts of personnel assistants range from 1.0 to 3.0. According to him, the account was reported and attacked.

Beauty must be appreciated by everyone

In fact, I worked on the order-making system for about 3-4 days, and I found two things: 1) Is the unit of currency in US dollars? 2) What would happen if I bet 500 if the CEO's judgment is completely correct? (The company stipulates that you can only bet 100.) I think that if the company earns US dollars, I receive Taiwan dollars, and the company earns me as well. The more bets, the higher the amount can be accumulated in a short period of time. So within 3-4 days of joining, I immediately accumulated an amount of 3000-4000, and then I told Commissioner Chen Xi that I wanted to withdraw. Xiaomei had no doubts and immediately applied to the so-called accountant for withdrawal, and then explained to me I need to keep 1,000 yuan in the system account to continue making orders, so the integer that can be withdrawn this time is 2,000 yuan, and the 500 yuan he borrowed from me before is returned, and my gain is 1,500 yuan. I also don't bother to ask about the dialogue content of the many suspicious points, I want to see how this drama will play out.

I really received 1500 yuan!

As a result, I really received 1500 yuan! I followed suit and received another 3,000 yuan. Picked it up twice. But in fact, the amount I have in the system has not decreased, so every time I withdraw based on the difference in the last screenshot, there is no "accounting" and no system.

During this period, the group that made the order system is like a mouse selling direct sales and will defraud the group. The company promotes an investment project, and the operation method will be led by the CEO (what did you teach?), just like the usual order betting. (It's just that your principal has become higher, so the profit is also higher), and there are secret piles sharing their tragic stories of life and then emphasizing that women should spend money on themselves and have their own small treasury, etc. Thanks to CEO Weizai for leading They greeted the prosperity of life, and then showed off happy family photos and famous brand photos to show off their wealth, as well as their own loan and investment amount. The assistant manager and the CEO were very helpful during the process, and they earned several million yuan.

Honestly those stories are not attractive. But greed is an indelible trait of human nature. Commissioner Chen Xi began to contact me and expressed that he wanted to join me in a joint venture, because one person can only participate in this project once, and he earned more than 2 million yuan after participating. This time, he wanted to sign up with me under my name. Then I swayed like seaweed. During this period, there were a lot of successful sharing cases in the large group of single system.

very strong project

However, because I myself have received cases myself, I really feel very troubled. The commissioner and the personnel assistant took turns looking for me to lobby. I'm a person who can easily hesitate and waver, but from every second of my experience, I know that all my decisions are wrong. So I don't make a decision. The following diagram shows you the process.

I've been asked to hurry up and join the project

At that time, I was so busy that even playing mobile games was very difficult. Who would give birth to you for this 500,000 yuan! (Chenxi wants him 500,000 and me 500,000 to participate in the project with the highest amount.) If I have 500,000, do I still need to find a part-time job? I am middle-aged and unemployed, thank you! And later said that the good withdrawal or the so-called target salary of the main job that I do not know what standard is determined by not getting a dime.

The following is the conversation with the assistant. To sign up, you need to find a personnel assistant, and then sign the contract. The contract is super ridiculous. I really don’t know if the fraud group is too careless or the so-called “many people must have idiots, and too many idiots are concentrated here.” Moreover, regardless of the fact that the contract is scribbled in the form of official documents (I ask everyone to use google more, there are many fraudulent contract templates), and they are all unilateral benefits. I also upload pictures of the contract.

Hello? Don't you understand the banking or post office system? Is the assistance on the side?
Very embarrassing contract (covering face)
the end is always lonely

The story ends here. Destiny is over, it is useless to say more. Just ask for a good gathering and a good break~~ Thank you for letting me get 4,500 yuan at no cost. It's a pretty big number for me, and it'd be nice if I could keep going. I think most of the reason I got kicked in the end was because I didn't join their project.

Sometimes some people will talk in the group that they can't get in touch with the commissioner and assistant, or that they can't withdraw the money, the group will start to panic, and the manager will clear them. a small society. The TV show is not deceiving XDDD

The handsome CEO also wants to let everyone take a look, thank him for sending me the money! ! ! ! !

The name of Asia Pacific Financial CEO is really powerful

The above is the day when the side business finally succeeded! ! ! ! !

Thank you for letting me get 4,500 yuan and share it with everyone. If you need it, you can try it to see if they still do it this way. It’s really not a small supplement to spend 3,000-4,000 yuan for 1-2 weeks.💸


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