The second-year middle school students taught me a lesson | Jihong

When she opened her mouth, the audience was amazed. Calm tone, clear articulation, moderate rhythm, completely penetrated into my heart

✍️The previous article is about composition class✍️

During the two semesters of the third year, the school's Chinese teachers have jointly opened a "composition class". The main purpose of the composition class is to allow us to get good grades in the writing test of the national examination . Not everyone can participate in the composition class. There must be a certain threshold to join the composition class. There are also many strict rules for entering the composition class. In principle, the composition class consists of 2 classes a week, one of which takes 50 minutes to write a composition, and the other is to analyze the composition . After joining the composition class, my writing ability has greatly improved, which has also made my writing on Matters smoother.

🥇Gold Medalist🥇

A few weeks ago, the teacher invited a classmate who won a gold medal in composition to give us a composition class, but the teacher said that she was a second-year middle school student! I doubt that the student can hold up the whole scene (there are 86 students in the composition class, everyone is older than her), and pass her experience to us in the third grade smoothly, but I was wrong, wrong Very outrageous .

📃 Self-edited lecture notes 📃

When the class started, the teacher handed out her own edited handout . I glanced over and found that he described the composition planning, rhetorical skills, or the presentation of the article in great detail. The point is that her handout is full of A quote I haven't seen before! The delicacy and completion of this handout are not inferior to that of the teacher . I can't imagine that this handout came from a second-year classmate.

😲As soon as you come on stage, you will be amazed all over the place😲

After roughly reading the contents of the lecture notes, she immediately started today's class. When she opened her mouth, the audience was full of surprises. The calm tone, clear articulation, and moderate rhythm completely penetrated my heart, "It's too strong!" , "She's a second-year student!" Her unexpected strength aroused whispered admiration, I I was also thinking in my heart, "What did I do last year?" I felt ashamed as a third student.

⚡ Perfect pace ⚡

During the course of her lectures, she would stop from time to time to give us more time to understand and digest what she taught, and she would also ask us questions at the right time (although there was no answer 😂), which also motivated many The atmosphere doesn't make you feel sleepy at all.

🔥Everything comes from hard work🔥

The saying "one minute on stage, ten years of hard work off stage" is not unreasonable. I believe that the student has definitely made a lot of efforts, from compiling the lecture notes, the content of the class, to training the typhoon, these are not at all. It can be done in a few days, and what I admire most about her is that she has the courage to stand on the podium and face us who are a year older than him .

💝Perfect ending💝

After the class bell rang, the classmate had not finished all the content in the handout, but she still roughly finished the rest of the content without rushing, without scribbling. After finishing all the content, she said to us. "Thank you, everyone" and bowed , greeted with applause and encouragement from the audience, and the teacher kept praising the student's performance. With the continuous applause, today's composition class came to a perfect end.

😥 I am ashamed of myself 😥

After finishing the composition class, I enriched a lot and learned more writing skills. I am worthy of being a contestant who won the composition gold medal . I still can't imagine her age, and I don't even think about what I am. What did you do in the country. I finally understand the feeling of "green is better than blue" . Thinking about that classmate who is very good at writing essays, and thinking about me who spent all day playing and wasting time last year, it is even worse . Now, as a third-year student, I am preparing to face the first big test in my life, "I work hard for a better choice, or for my own free choice." I hope I can continue to work hard and excel and win Top spot!

📢 Off topic 📢

Recently, I like "Inspirational Theory C'MON" from Crowd Lu 's latest album "Inspirational Theory". I recommend everyone to listen to it😁

Tomorrow (3/13) at 8:00 am (GMT+8:00), an article about "Lost" will be published, I hope you can check it out 😁!

Thank you for reading this article 😁, if you have any ideas, please leave a message and let me know! Don't forget to press praise to support me 🤩, this is the motivation for me to continue to create 😄! See you next time 🙋~

🔥My last post🔥: I have to leave campus for physical education class! What's so fun about playing volleyball? | Gihong
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