【Habit Building: Productive Meditation】

Today I’m going to share a habit I often use to clear my mind: productive meditation.

Today I’m going to share a habit I often use to clear my mind: productive meditation.

I have been implementing it for a long time, but this time I found out when I was looking at deep work, that this method actually has a proper noun haha

Here's how I do it: When I focus on work and study for a while, I often feel that my brain is very tired, I want to sleep, and then I start to lose focus.

I would describe the brain as a computer. When the CPU runs for too long, the computer will overheat and its performance will start to decrease. The brain should also be focused for too long and will slowly start to lack fresh oxygen supply.

Usually when productivity starts to drop, I start to be alert that I can't get better output if I continue; I'll choose to stop what I'm doing, go for a swim in the pool on my bike, or take a walk away from work, or maybe It's to go home, take a shower and go back to work.

The principle is this: do some activities that "tire the body" but "relax the mind", so that the originally stuck problem is executed in the background state of the head.

The brain will relax and refocus on the problem subconsciously. In the process of exercising and walking, new air will be exchanged in the body to refresh our brain.

I myself am used to thinking divergently in my brain during this time, and random thinking is also very helpful to reorganize my thoughts; and the author of Deep Work Force advocates setting a clear question when starting "productive meditation".

Then keep thinking about it during the whole movement, such as the outline of your article, discussing recent problems in life, problems at work, etc., which will help you think about the answer in a different environment.


I have been using this habit for quite some time, and after each productive meditation, my work efficiency and concentration have improved completely.

For example, writing this article today is what I came up with when I was halfway through work and felt my brain was dizzy, and I took a walk around the laboratory for two laps. Haha.

Do you also have your own method of productive meditation? Welcome to leave a message and recommend it to me!


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