Mother's Day Special | Moments That Make Supergirls Do Physical Therapy Too


Every second Sunday in May

Do you have any plans for how to reward your mother?

do you know? "Mom" is actually the largest group of people who do physical therapy!

Girls are born with less developed muscles

It is also relatively difficult to practice, which represents a relative lack of " dynamic stability ".

That is, the pressure on the joints and ligaments themselves is greater;

After giving birth, the joints of the pelvic girdle become looser under the influence of hormones

Coupled with the possibility of caesarean section, the core will become weak,

It also makes the mother more prone to back pain .

However, everyone knows that housework is " labor "

Aims to get the thing done, not the process, and often goes to great lengths to increase efficiency

Coupled with incorrect posture, it is easy to cause physical injury

So, "Mom" ㄍㄚˋ "Housework" pops up "Pain all over the body"

So what's the problem?

1. Laundry

This incident has been a risk from the beginning - " lifting the laundry basket ":

Laundry baskets are usually no taller than the waist, so you have to bend over if you want to pick them up quickly

But the basket full of clothes is quite heavy, often because of this, the mother's lumbar disc herniation is caused

-Flash to the waist.

Next is " getting clothes ". If your washing machine is a " vertical " washing machine,

The act of "bending down" to pick up clothes and hang them to dry is a mother's nightmare.

This has nothing to do with height, but this design has to be bent to get the clothes,

Therefore, if you "lift the laundry basket" again, the waist that has already been slightly injured will be "additional damage" here.

The last is " drying clothes ". Because of the lack of space, usually in order to make the clothes dry, the lower part can still pass people.

Clotheslines are usually hung higher than the head, and you even have to reach out to hang them.

Therefore, constantly raising your hands is the most tiring thing in this process, not to mention hanging some watery fabrics

The burden on the shoulder joint can be imagined.

In addition, when " collecting clothes ", the shoulder joints also need to perform the above actions

Although lighter in weight, mothers often carry many pieces at once for convenience

The result is a high load on the muscles, joints, and ligaments of the hand.

2. to cook

Before cooking is to " buy food ":

With so many people cooking dishes every day, it is conceivable how huge the number of ingredients will be.

However, my mother rides a bicycle, a bicycle, or even walks to a distant market to buy vegetables every day

And because the dominant hand is more powerful, the spine often bumps all the way in an unbalanced state

This creates a high risk of injury to the "wrist", "elbow", "shoulder", and "spine"

In the process of " cooking ", hold a large pot to stir fry and chop vegetables repeatedly

Both put a considerable burden on the wrist, which will also cause the same problem in the process of "washing the dishes "

3. Sweeping; mopping

In order to sweep/drag under the sofa, under the table;

Sometimes even just too lazy to take a step forward

considerable load on the lumbar spine

Not to mention that my mother knelt on the floor and wiped the floor.

In addition, if you want to carry a bucket

The risk of lumbar spine injury is greatly increased

In addition, there is one place that is most easily overlooked - the cervical spine

As mentioned above, every household task is easy to do with " head down "

Shoulder and neck pain has become a problem that mothers can never get rid of

Long-term tension will thicken muscles and fascia

In the end, it will look like a tiger with a back...

Ladies and gentlemen, mother met your father in her most youthful years

Exchange your quality of life with the most beautiful figure

Gradually, it became a regular visitor of physical therapy in the clinic

After reading this article

Not only this special day, but every day with you in the future, I hope your mother can relax

If you forget it, remember to come back and read this article to review it!

Finally, I wish all mothers: Happy Mother's Day~~~~~~

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I'm Baker, I'm a physical therapist, welcome to my country


Under the current health care system in Taiwan, no matter what the zodiac sign, the therapist will definitely write the word "world-weary" in the personality column.


Over time, the burning dream fire in my heart gradually went out, and "doing the 'teacher' and walking the meat" became a buff at the meeting before going to work every day . . .


But in my country, I hope my residents can see the real face of physical therapy and then understand, understand, and even love this profession that is "no less than any other medical technology" and "not just brainless operations" . . .


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