Matt citizen chatting under the tree|Three photos to show off your Mid-Autumn Festival

In your city, are there any special habits or customs during the Mid-Autumn Festival? Do you have any touching moments with your family that you would like to share? Or, if you are in a foreign land, how will you celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival this year?

The season has entered autumn, and the annual Mid-Autumn Festival is here again! In this season of reunion, you are invited to share your reunion!

Matty has recently seen that many people are starting to prepare for a long vacation. People are returning to their hometowns and traveling, and the crowds are starting to move again~

How was your Mid-Autumn Festival? Are there endless mooncakes? What kind of gifts did everyone give each other? Have you received any thoughtful gifts? Did you go see lanterns and guess riddles, or go to a large grassland for a picnic and admire the moon and people? Is there a pit full of grapefruit?

In your city, are there any special habits or customs during the Mid-Autumn Festival? Do you have any touching moments with your family that you would like to share? Or, if you are in a foreign land, how will you celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival this year?

🌝 Invite Matt citizens to share your Mid-Autumn Festival🌝

When you post, you can add the tag #我就是生活中秋节

We have the custom of giving gifts to each other during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Now our house is filled with gift boxes of grapefruit and pineapple cakes. What should we do if we can’t finish them all? Do you have such a "trouble" at home? XD

I couldn't hold it back a few days ago and ate an egg yolk puff pastry made by a famous Taiwanese store in the middle of the night. It was super delicious. After finishing one, I ate a second one...but I had gastroesophageal reflux the next day🤣

I originally wanted to admire the moon, but in the end I only saw the hazy moon emerging from the treetops. There is something beautiful even from a distance~~

Looking forward to seeing everyone’s Mid-Autumn Festival~


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