Most Interesting People Wanted


I, Typto, the initiator of DAOSquare

I was born in the 1980s, in a small southern town, and I was a typical scumbag.

In the first grade of elementary school, I recited the table of addition formulas within 10. The math teacher and I stayed up all afternoon until sunset and dusk. My father came to inquire with a steamed bun, and the two finally came to a conclusion: children cannot be taught.

Since then, I have started to eat books, especially the mimeographed test papers. My father must be wondering why the test papers in the warehouse of the unit are always lost.

Of course I also eat textbooks, which I like to hide under the floor of the log cabin at school. On the day of the second grade, I learned that I was going to leave the town, so I gave my unfinished textbook to my Chinese teacher, because she was the only person who didn't think I was stupid.

In the fourth grade of elementary school, because the math teacher couldn't figure out why I couldn't understand what she was saying, my ear bone was dislocated.

The last time I was beaten was in the second year of junior high school. I scored 36 in the math test. I was beaten up by my own slippers (the executor was my father).

However, I was not idle in those days.

Ever since my dad bought my brother an electronic keyboard, I've been in love with it.

The first time I listened to the symphony seriously was a Beethoven tape I bought at the Xinhua Bookstore. I pointed to the uncle with messy hair on the tape and said to my mother, I want to become this uncle, and my mother said that you should work hard.

So I wrote a letter to Alan Tam.

But the aunt at the post office refused to send it, saying that we have not sent letters to Hong Kong since liberation. I can only go to my classmate. His father is the director of the post and telecommunications bureau. The letter was finally sent, but there has been no news for a year.

So I wrote a letter to Li Chunbo.

I said: Hello, Mr. Chunbo, I like your songs very much, especially "Xiaofang"...(more inconsistencies)... Finally, I would like to invite you Do me a favor, I have a letter to Alan Tam, can you pass it on to him for me?

The consequences can be imagined...!

You have to rely on yourself.

I started looking for Alan Tam's tapes all over the street, practicing songs, writing songs, and playing the piano. Before I left my hometown at the age of 16, I converted many electrical appliances and furniture into musical instruments, including the washing machine drain.

After I left my hometown, I became obsessed with guitar, but I didn't have a guitar, so I had to go to other people's dormitories for ten minutes every night after self-study. After a few months, I became the best guitar player in school.

In the 1990s, the school was very chaotic. Every year, students were killed by the sword. The eldest brother who sold dog skin plasters at the school gate made great progress in stitching skills in those years. I also started messing around. More than once, an off-campus gang came to me with knives and weapons (it scared my roommates into diapers), but to no avail, because they didn't expect me to go to the teacher's piano room to play the piano, and they didn't expect me to go to the stream behind the school. sketch. Thanks art.

In college, I started to play rock and roll. In order to justify not taking piano lessons, I helped the piano teacher get a fake ID card while she was preparing for her English test and found a substitute for the test. Also pretty ugly).

There is a graduate student in our dormitory who is looking for a partner every day. He goes to various places where girls hang out and invites all kinds of girls to dinner, but no one likes him. Every time he comes back from a date, he will do a speech, and everyone is amused by him. Leaning back, later his Speech became famous, and every time before the start, someone would run around in the dormitory building to tell him. After graduation, he even called me to give a speech. Before hanging up, he told me that he had been in pain all these years, not to mention his emotional setbacks. Everyone regarded his speech as a joke, and even regarded him as a joke. , I'm not the only one, he said he was very grateful to me. I haven't heard from him since then...

After graduating from college, instead of teaching like my classmates, I came to a music company in Beijing. I didn't get paid, but as long as I could do what I like, I don't care about his salary or not! It was a great time. However, within a few months, the boss told me that he didn't want to work, but he could sell me the company's music equipment. From then on I went into debt and became a freelance musician.

During that time, I was very anxious. I had to pay my debts, pay my rent, and have to eat, but no one asked me to make music. For a long time, I locked myself in that room full of equipment and wrote some songs. One day, immediately (my musician friend) told me that a certain singer was collecting songs, and I sold two of them.

Life begins to turn, more and more people come to me, but I never cater to "customers", I only do what I think is right, what I think is good, what I think is interesting, and because of this, many people choose not to be me No, it was a fun time.

Later, Reya (my wife) and I started to make music for film and television. We became Party B. We could no longer insist on making music that I thought was right. During that time, it was very painful. One day on Jiang Wen’s studio, I said to Reya, I don’t want to do it. Music, I want to make a movie.

Reya said I needed to work on the script first. So I started to teach myself screenwriting and writing scripts, and I found a book: "Get the Screenplay in 21 Days", which is a treasure.

Clearly I was deceived. I wrote for two years.

Fortunately, it won the Xia Yan Cup Script Award of the State Film Administration. I was very excited the day I received the award, but the person in charge of the script center told me that they liked the story very much, but the status quo is that now the market only recognizes comedy (that is 14 Years, Thailand is on fire).

I started writing comedy.

Another year, when I gave the script to a friend at a studio, the feedback was that the leadership thought he was crazy because he kept laughing. But I had something that I didn't want to happen, something that could have been a comedy but turned out to be a tragedy for me, and I ended up leaving the movie business.

But it gave me a revelation. There are actually many filmmakers like me in China. If we can bring these people together in some way, do something interesting and valuable together, and make everyone's life a comedy, Isn't it cool? I started registering companies, designing products and even learning to code. At the end of 2018, I met an investor who told me that this thing was actually a DAO.

The first time I heard the concept of DAOs, I was immediately fascinated by it.

He told me that DAO can not only help filmmakers, but actually create greater social value, so I joined his project and fought with him. At the end of '19, I quit the project due to my personal reasons.

For a period of time in early December 2019, I had continuous insomnia. I didn't know where the way out for DAO was, or I didn't know where my way out was.

Many people ask me, why do you want to make movies when you do a good job in music? Why start a business when the movie is doing well? Even my father couldn't figure out why I had to float my rice bowl when I could have a latte? In the days of insomnia, I also repeatedly tortured myself, and finally I found that these are actually appearances.

Since I became governor, I have been trying to become a person who can dominate my own life; I have always longed to enter a world where there is no harm, mutual respect, mutual support, and mutual benefit; Ordinary people who dare to think and do things do cool and valuable things. I hope that this matter can be recorded in the annals of history, forever.

This is the Force that guides me along the way. However, in the existing game world, it does not exist.

It wasn't until around 5am on December 5th that DAOSquare came to my mind. If the world has not prepared such a world for us, then let us build it.

I started to link through content to fellow DAOs scattered all over the world. Slowly, everyone began to gather to DAOSquare, we began to imagine the ultimate appearance of this world together, and began to work together to build. From the initial loneliness to the current Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger, from a weak group to the most influential DAO in China. We held China's first DAO hackathon, and we are working with the world's most prestigious DAO ecosystem service provider Aragon and well-known communities such as MetaCartel to build a global DAO ecosystem. We are striding toward what we envisioned.

You may ask, what is a DAO?

Don't worry about it, you just need to remember what I said above:

I have always been striving to be a person who can dominate my own life; I have always longed to enter a world where there is no harm, mutual respect, mutual support, and mutual benefit; People who dare to do something cool and worthwhile. I hope that this matter can be recorded in the annals of history, forever.

If it excites you, then, as the DAOSquare janitor, on behalf of all the fun guys at DAOSquare, I want you!

If you're a developer, we're looking for you

If you are a translator, we are looking for you

If you're a product manager, we're looking for you

If you're a blockchain researcher, we're looking for you

If you are a painter we are looking for you

If you are a musician we are looking for you

If you're a cook... come on, DAOSquare has a bunch of foodies

No matter who you are, as long as you are the one who is striving to become a person who can dominate his own life; who is yearning for a world where there is no harm, mutual respect, mutual support, and shared win-win; , People who are unwilling to be ordinary, who dare to think and do something cool and valuable, and who hope that this matter can be recorded in the annals of history and go down in history forever, we are looking for you!

DAOSquare's gatekeeper: Typto


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