How to find OO

You can't say that there is any truth in this life, you can only be sure that the truth is in practice, and that is the case with all realizations. Everything in life is quietly brewing until it becomes a precious gift.

Still can't find the answer you've been looking for?

Sometimes, you have to accept that you don't have an answer in your mind.

The answer has always been there. It may be that your subconscious chooses to ignore or block out some key messages and feelings, so that your life can continue to be stable. Guess that as long as the external environment remains the same, you don't have to rush to seek changes.

You like conclusions. Because having a conclusion means that you know the method and understand what to do next. After a long time, you find that you just like it and find an excellent template to follow. And most of the time, the way to really improve is always so simple and boring that after you listen, you turn around and forget it.

The truth is always terribly simple, it is only difficult to persevere. It's like breathing, no one doesn't. But if you practice hard, you will know that you can actually breathe deeper and calmer. Continue to realize, from observation to observation, why are you breathing? When did your breathing become rapid and when did you become anxious? Breath will always tell you one by one, never get tired.

Short or deep breaths can sometimes also tell you that time is always limited, so you're stressed. You know that you are confined to this four-dimensional space-time, but you have never thought of leaving. And where is the time? If you put your heart and soul into one thing, you will lose track of time. When you gather your thoughts on your fingertips, tap on the keyboard, let every sound pass through you, until the moment you forget yourself, time is only the edge of consciousness, the norm of society.

If you can look directly into your heart, time is only in the corner of the room, that ancient book, you can decide whether to raise the dust or not, find a quiet place to slowly read it, understand its structure, and find out your rhythm. Or just keep looking at it without ever really understanding it, and keep trying to find other values to believe in in this room of the world. There is no right or wrong, life is wonderful.

When you leave time behind and run in the bright morning, your thoughts pass through your footsteps, clearer than the moon, sharper than a polished knife. The distance you can run is extremely limited, as is the breadth of perception, but when the mind becomes brighter, the world always seems more dreamy, beyond logic.

You can't say that there is any truth in this life, you can only be sure that the truth is in practice, and that is the case with all realizations. Everything in life is quietly brewing until it becomes a precious gift.

You still don't have an answer. But when you are willing to believe so, aren't more answers in front of your eyes? Twinkling like the stars in the night sky, quenching thirst like the running water of the morning sun.

Acacia sunset


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直樹的流浪之歌一名喜歡戲劇與跑步的日文翻譯, 一名熱愛旅行與書寫的街頭藝人。 民謠|書寫|行旅|全馬|劇場 Matters文章索引:
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