OHM Chip Flow Ratio Observation (Faith Value)


This article does not contain any investment advice and recommendations, only personal observation notes

This article was written on a whim as I watched the new SDOG plate on a whim, and it was an interesting FORK that allowed OHM to go from infinity to limited innings. After eight days, whether it is up or down, it is very meaningful to study.

Suddenly I am very interested in the ratio of the pledge data to the liquid chips, because the higher the pledge data, the higher the relative loyalty of the holder, and in the LP liquidity pair, the asset value of both sides will be equal, (for example, 100USDT/ 100USDC) LP trading pair, the asset value of both sides is the same. Therefore, it can be used to observe the external liquid assets, so I divided the two numbers into a data flow chip. The more chips, the lower the belief value, (this ignores the impact of other assets in the financial pants)

Later, I made a premium ratio of the current price to the asset.

The first is the original OHM (the web version has pictures)


SNOWDOG (a lot of tokens have not been unlocked)

https://reurl.cc/l5OVZq (by the way, make a spreadsheet)

The data is a bit unexpected to me. I thought that the longer the project runs, the more belief it will become, but the belief ratio of SB is quite high after it has only been running for a month. Maybe there will be selling pressure after APY becomes lower.

Then OHM's premium ratio is not the highest. It may be that the price has dropped in the past two days. If he thinks about the following projects because he is a senior, then maybe WONDERLAND's lower belief and higher The premium will also fall back after that.

In addition, KLIMA's panel is ugly, and it doesn't calculate the price. The environmental protection value of using CO2 as a unit is really full. I'm too lazy to dig for other data.

Looking back at Xuegou, a lot of tokens will be unlocked after the project runs to the third day. By the way, we can see if there are more funds influx in the past two days. The retention of these tokens may be very important, and it will be sold. It is very interesting to drop (become an LP), or to pledge to lock. After all, it is only an eight-day game, and the result of the long game may be completely different, and the prisoners are facing more pressure.

The above sharing is only personal observation and data, please do not take it as investment advice.


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