Demi_3901 Good Eater|"Fengtian Food Shop" is in the painting of flying mangosteen, lightly open the taste buds and taste the delicious food

In the life gleaning series, Brother Stone will take you to taste the alley food of the gourmet desert Hsinchu. Today, we will introduce the exotic food in Zhubei~Fengtian Food Shop.
Image source: Shot by Brother Stone

Demi_3901 Good Eater|"Fengtian Food Shop" is in the painting of flying mangosteen, lightly open the taste buds and taste the delicious food

It was rare that the rainy season had just rested the day before, so when I got the opportunity to pack lightly, I went to the Touqian Creek beside Xinglong Road, and jogged along the invincible beautiful river bank, so as not to move my muscles and my body aches! I like this kind of relaxed and comfortable jogging. The wide bank of Touqian Creek is about four or five kilometers from one to five runs, and then strolls to the alleys of the city to find delicious food.

♟ Store name: Fengtian Food Shop. Hsinchu Zhubei♟ Pushing Index: ★★★★★
♟ Price: Acceptable, less than 300 for two people; 15% off for take-out.
♟ Reasons for pushing the pit: It is a good spot to take pictures and check in; the brown sugar smoothie bean curd after the meal is amazing; the dining in the store seems to be in a painting of flying Miscanthus, which feels quite comfortable.

Image source: shot by Shishige; indoors are quite suitable for taking pictures and punching in

Passing by a corner today, the full house of mangosteen caught my eye, so I stopped and looked at the restaurant’s catering billboard. My favorites are the cold pho, the North Vietnamese fried spring rolls, and the North Vietnamese French bread. When you enter the store, you really feel like walking into a picture. The sky is covered with countless soft bulbs, shining on the whole piece of mangosteen. You can definitely imagine the following poetic situation:

The autumn wind rises, the white awns fly, the layers of flowers and waves roll, the deep affection, the setting sun, and the colorful clouds in the west carry deep meaning with the waves

In this world, only love and food should not be let down. Love has already failed too much, and food can no longer be let down. —— Classic Quotations
Image source: Photo by Stone Brother; North Vietnamese Fried Spring Rolls

Exotic light food, of course, it is a limited edition of the order! So I came for a cold pho set meal, a North Vietnamese fried spring roll. I originally wanted to order the North Vietnamese French bread that Sister Rose loves, but I had to hold back because I was afraid that I couldn't finish it. But it is true, the portion for two people is enough, and the meals are quite refreshing and not greasy, especially with the brown sugar smoothie beancurd after the meal, the whole taste buds are swaying with the mango.

Stepping out of the food shop after the meal is just the right time to stay away from the hustle and bustle, walk in the alleys of the park, feel the cool breeze passing by, and gently draw an end to this busy week. As for what else to eat? Just waiting for you to come and find it!

🍁You are used to a cup of coffee, but it is the hope of a child
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Image source: Shot by Stone Brother; Super delicious brown sugar smoothie bean flower


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