That Hair 4 of 3-Adult Restricted Level


That Hair 4 of 3 Original Romance Novels for Men and Women

old title:

★ "That Hair #3: R-rated Novel Banned at 18! Social male and female extramarital affairs, mistress, incest, passion, love, strange love affair, serialized original contribution article! BY UNOLIN! 》



As soon as he entered room 303, Wang Dong saved the foreplay!

He lunged straight at Lu Lu, and the monkey hurriedly stripped off Lu Lu's clothes and followed his own.

Take a look at Miss Xu's Delta!

Sure enough, Lulu had already adapted to Wang Dong's eccentricities and unique hobbies, and shaved off her pubic hair at home the night before!

"White tiger! White tiger! Others hate it, I just like clean hair without hair! Don't be like my old hand-holding, the underside of the hair is black, thick and stinky, I feel sick when I smell it!"

Wang Dongxi diligently, while talking, lightly stroking Lulu's hibiscus-colored pink private parts that she had just shaved last night.

Lulu learned that Wang Dong had already taken a shower in Room 301 he had booked last night and waited for her to come.

He also obeyed him without urging Wang Dong to take another shower.

It's done with the sofa and the wall, and it's done in less than 20 minutes!

Then Lu Lu and the disarmed Wang Dong hugged naked on the sofa, and Wang Dong's root was stuck in Lulu's tunnel unwillingly.

Because Lulu didn't wear perfume, Wang Dong was not afraid of his wife's waiting smell test, and hugged her tightly.

Wang Dong asked Lu Lu gently, do you want to take a bath together?

"No, I have to go back to work in the company later. I'm afraid my hair will be messed up! It's embarrassing to be recognized or suspected by my colleagues!" Lulu said.

"Okay! Baby! You don't wash, and I don't wash it either, just in case my wife calls my room later, and I won't hear the phone because I'm taking a shower." Wang Dong replied.

After holding for about ten minutes, Wang Dong's scepter in Lulu Abalone gradually softened.

He pulled out his cock and took off the cover that was stuffed with the omelette he had eaten at breakfast, and the eaux-de-vie from last night's oysters.

Wang Dong threw the used cover in the trash can beside the sofa without hesitation.

Using the toilet paper in the carton next to the mirror, she helped Lulu and herself to wipe off their lower body and sweat, and went to the bathroom again.

Without lifting the toilet seat, Wang Dong began to shoot the liquid waste in his body and some remnants of the water of life into the toilet!

Shake the scepter again and flush it away... Except for a pubic hair on the seat cushion and a few drops of urine that didn't fall into the toilet.

Wang Dong walked out of the bathroom and began to put on his clothes:

"I have to go first! Remember, call me after three days. Here's a check for 150,000 yuan, enough for two months?"

"I don't want money, I just want you to get a little more..." The naked Lulu leaned over again.

"Okay! Lulu, I know, darling, I have to go first! I'll be more free to accompany you next month, okay..." Wang Dong hugged Lulu perfunctorily, while helping her pick it up clothes scattered on the ground.

"Say one truck makes one dustpan. You're always like this!" Lulu stared at Wang Dong and complained!

"Where do I get it? Oh! I forgot the most important thing. This watch is more expensive than the one that cut Kaizi! Wear it and watch it." Wang Dong took a beautiful cardboard box and handed it to Lulu.

"I don't want a watch, what I want is..." Lulu hugged tighter.

"Okay! I really have to go..." Wang Dong got a little angry and broke away from Lulu impatiently.

bump! Wang Dong left and went to the next door.

Across the wall, he seemed to hear his heartbeat, footsteps, and the voice of greeting his wife on his mobile phone:

"Yeah! Wife, I miss you so much! How are you, classmates? Are xiaolongbao delicious? Yes! Yes! I didn't go anywhere! Stay in my room! Otherwise, you call into the restaurant. Check it out!"

A thin wall separates a farther and farther spiritual distance.

Knowing that he was fifty-nine years old and she was only twenty-five, she could find someone else, but she couldn't take the first step away from him.

She lay naked on the sofa alone, holding back her tears, staring at the trash can beside the sofa.

Just staring like this, more than twenty minutes passed.

Lulu got up and, according to the original plan, picked up the garbage bag, stuffed it into the airtight crisper that had been brought beforehand with some ice cubes in it, and put it in her LV handbag.

(Not finished, to be continued)

The last two are here!

★ " That Hair 4 No. 1-Adult Restricted Level-Male and Female Sexual Romance Original Novel-Little Three Extramarital Affair Infidelity Romance "

★ " That Hair 4 No. 2-Adult Restricted Level-Male and Female Sexual Romance Original Novel-Little Three Extramarital Affair Infidelity Romance "

Original URL

★ "That Hair 4 No. 3 - Adult Romance Novel! Mistress extramarital affairs, social love between men and women - unethical love, passion, sex, marriage, cheating, cheating - UNOLIN original article!



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