[Animals have affection] May you become a light


Yesterday, 2/14, Valentine's Day, today is also the seventh day that Xiao Hei left us.

I hope that Xiao Hei can become a light with peace of mind after seeing that everything at home is ok, and move on to the next journey.

A week ago today, I suffered a huge pain in my heart. After all, my daily routine is vivid in my mind. When I wake up in the morning, I habitually look at the living room, and Xiao Hei gets up for a walk! The first medicine is given after breakfast, and the second after lunch. , the third time after dinner, which has become my daily routine, a physical memory.

It has been more than ten years since the rescue. In fact, I have seen countless births, old age, sickness and death. For the passing of dogs, I am used to thanking them for the memories and understandings they brought us.

Xiao Hei kindly told me not to blame myself at the beginning, he said that he had been sick before he came. (Yes, I think every day, is there something I am not doing well enough? Or what should I do at the time, I fell into this infinitely annoyed situation), the communicator said that Xiaohei's way of thinking is very humane, and it is easy to observe me My mood and mind are also more delicate, so Xiao Hei comforted me first.

Besides, he likes life in our house very much. Although the other children in the family are very different, it is also a pleasure to watch them run around every day. In fact, he is a little envious of being able to run like this. (I'm so glad he likes our family life, I also find it funny when he scolds the kids.)

Although I will take him to camp, he doesn't really want to go. He likes to stay at home, but because he is with me, he is very willing. (I burst into laughter when I heard this. Really, when I took him to camp, his face actually stinks, but even outdoors, he will follow me wherever I go.)

When he left, although there was a little pain in his abdomen and his breathing was not smooth, because it was over in one go, he felt no pain and had a very fulfilling life.

This time, I feel so sad to say goodbye to a person. It turns out that Xiao Hei and I were friends for a while. It was the kind of friend who had an agreement [I will take care of you when you are old], so we met in this life. It is also a coincidence. Thank you for meeting you, you are old, I really take care of you.

Xiao Hei wants to become a plant in the future, but does not want to be an animal or a person for the time being, for fear of physical pain, I hope your wish will come true, and there will be a chance to meet again in the future.

I wish you a smooth journey in the distance. I put your photos and collars in my study, where you love to accompany me.


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晴天小姐寫想寫的內容,成為自己的字療師。 如果文字可以抒發心情,那這裡就是女性自己的房間。
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