Matters Pizza Day Topic Call for Papers: Cryptocurrency Consumption: Experience, Vision and Imagination | If you don't buy a husband, what can you do?

Buying a husband may not be able to shelter from the wind and rain, and it is likely to bring wind and rain
Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash

In response to the call for papers initiated by Bigenda.

When I didn't know what a cryptocurrency was, I was like a little white rabbit who strayed into the jungle and entered the unfathomable jungle of cryptocurrency. From the initial writing, I have accumulated LIKEs, and I have roughly learned that it can be put on the exchange and realized, and it will rise and fall just like stocks or funds, and that's it.

Come to Matt City, as socializing with citizens becomes more and more frequent, it has also become an important information station for contacting cryptocurrency information. I began to learn to pledge LIKE to earn commission income; I sold LIKE on a registered exchange for cash. Of course, I also experienced the tragedy of running away from the BA exchange. Up to now, there are still thousands of Taiwan dollars stuck and I can’t get it back.

Since then, I haven’t done KYC for a long time, and I have also learned a lesson from registering a new exchange, which is not to put too many coins on the exchange, and the concept of creating multiple wallets to spread risks. In addition, an over-the-counter transaction of LIKE was attempted.

With the use of the decentralized exchange OSMOSIS, from holding a single currency LIKE, to currency exchange, staking, providing liquidity, holding multiple currencies, of course, because of the contribution of some governance, I received some meager It is also a matter of knowledge whether the received airdrop should be kept as a pledge, become an LP, or should be released immediately.

Then he invested in the social circle of NOISE CASH and tried his best to snort BCH; until recently, it was a Wirex debit card that can store cryptocurrency.

The pit of cryptocurrency is pushed and pushed, and the more it is pushed, the more invisible the end is.

What do I do with the cryptocurrency that I exchanged for fiat currency?

They have been used by me to pay for the dog's medical expenses, my surgery expenses, and various food, clothing, housing and transportation expenses. Just yesterday, because the outer tire of the bicycle was not replaced for too long, the inner tube broke when I rode on it. I hurried to the bicycle shop near my house to replace the new tire. I just happened to see the ATM of Cathay Pacific Shihua in the next door at Quanlian, and decided to Use the LUNA coins stored in the Wirex card to receive fiat currency to pay for car repairs. If I repaired the car today, the LUNA coins in the card should be less than 600 Taiwan dollars for me to pay the fee.

I don’t dare to look forward to cryptocurrency. I always feel that the more I look forward to it, the more I feel that I know too little, and I feel very small.

Recently, my LINE group has been promoting blood donation activities on weekends. Due to the epidemic, various blood types are now lacking. In order to attract people to donate blood, gifts are becoming more and more dazzling. For example, supermarket gift vouchers, French fries exchange vouchers, edible rice, masks, etc.

Screenshot taken from Taipei Blood Donation Center IG

Is it possible that the gift of blood donation activities in the future will be cryptocurrency? For example, how much BTC or BCH will be issued by donating 500CC, or issuing a cryptocurrency called “blood donation coin” like the “sweat coin” that everyone is talking about now?

If it is the former, it may be an incentive to encourage blood donation. Taking BCH as an example, if it is usually accumulated on the noise, donating blood and purring BCH every once in a while is not without a small supplement. If the so-called "blood donation coin" is issued, because the conditions for donating blood vary according to individual circumstances, it is not possible to donate at any time, and it may not be possible to accumulate cryptocurrency with time and frequency.

I don’t dare to imagine what cryptocurrencies can do anymore. The more I think about it, the more I feel that the amount of information is so large that I can’t receive it all.


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蔡凱西Cathy Tsai | 蔡凱西 台北人 / 不專業旅人 / 流浪中的學術人 / 研究旅行史與旅行文化的不良歷史學徒/《後綴》假掰文青誌編輯群 在出門旅行、閱讀,與作古的旅記文本中持續穿越 佛系粉專: 合作邀約
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