21,308 yuan can be donated in August 2022|Turn appreciation to the light of disadvantaged children in remote areas

Thank you~ for your support! Announcement of the profit of the creation and donation of public welfare in August 2022, to you who continue to silently support the public welfare project "Admiration, Light for Vulnerable Children in Remote Towns". Donations accumulated to 79,846 yuan (NTD).
Image source: Stone brother drawn from Pexels

21,308 yuan can be donated in August 2022|Turn appreciation to the light of disadvantaged children in remote areas

As long as you really want to do something, the whole universe will help you. —— The Shepherd Boy's Fantasy Journey

Good day, my friend, I am Brother Stone - your career mentor . Korean dramas often have classic lines. After chasing too many people, it is inevitable that people who are kind will struggle. Is it because they have money that they are kind, or are they kind, so they become rich? In fact, I think kindness really won't make you rich, but that kind of spiritual richness is not comparable to money.

As mentioned earlier, there is a Delong Elementary School in the fields of Longtan. One-third of the whole school is from disadvantaged families. All we can do is see what we can do to help. Sister Rose said that there was a swimming lesson on Monday, and that little brother from a poor family didn't have swimsuits to wear. Let's go to Carrefour to help them buy more, so I just said that and left, and bought a set of swimsuits for each of the children. With a frog mirror, although the money is not much, this kind of inner voice always makes us feel that we are very rich in heart.

[Cryptocurrency plummeted, and we can only rely on "A Cup of Coffee for Public Welfare" to help the public welfare]

At the moment when the order of the Metaverse is being rebuilt, it is a drop in the bucket to want to donate to public welfare through creation. I am very fortunate that there are friends who are willing to respond to Brother Stone's "Appreciation, Light for disadvantaged children in remote villages" public welfare activity with a cup of American coffee. A cup of coffee and a cup of coffee for public welfare continued to burn.

Relevant creations to public welfare income are as follows:

1. Donated:
✅November 2021~2022 Q2 "Donation" text creation to public welfare, accumulated donations: NT$58,538, if including the NT$50,000 raised by the company, the total donation amount is NT$1,085,38.

2. To be allocated:
✅At present, Brother Shishi has compiled "Creation to Public Welfare" on various platforms in August 2022, and the amount waiting for donation is: NT$21,308.
✅Matters platform, "Donation available" in August is: NT$88 (USD 2.96);
✅Matters wallet, the "donation available" in August is: NT$522 (HK$1,198-1065; NT$3.93), waiting for the account to be transferred out.
✅Potato platform, "donation available" in August = 1,276 yuan;
✅MentorStone platform, a cup of coffee for charity = NT$19,422 to be allocated.

Image source: Brother Stone's birthday transfer for charity

3. Collecting the above-mentioned creations and donations for public welfare:
Q2 accumulated 58,538 yuan, plus 21,308 yuan to be donated, totaling 79,846 yuan; if including the 50,000 yuan raised by the company, the total donation amount reached 129,846 yuan.

1. Calculation: CFO= 697.4-653.9=43.5, 1 CFO=0.978 USDT; CFO passive income=1,276 yuan.
🍁You are used to a cup of 55 dollar American coffee, but this is an opportunity for disadvantaged children to turn their lives ↓↓↓
🍁Click me and the link will be: "Admiration, for the light of disadvantaged children in remote villages", I would like to support Brother Stone with a cup of coffee!

🔥"A Cup of Coffee for Public Welfare" small donation: "Lawyer Shengyun" will be invited to check the website details; the password will also be opened to the "Wanji Project Manager" of Green Light Seed Classroom for confirmation to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

【in conclusion】

Since November last year, it has been accumulating creative creations and turning to public welfare, and has continued to irrigate these more than 200 disadvantaged children in remote villages. Although it is not as powerful as corporate sponsorship, it is very easy to accumulate sand with everyone's kindness. It is hard to imagine that he has accumulated more than 79,000 yuan. I am glad that the epidemic has not changed a person's kindness. Thank you ~ for your help on the road to public welfare!

🔥Follow up, the articles that everyone is reading, how many did you miss?

1. Selected Workers' Books|Why is your salted fish always sticking to the pot? - "His floor is your ceiling"

2. Selected Workers' Books|Should I queue for this 200-person crispy chicken team? —"Able People Use Statistical Thinking and Judgment"

3. The CEO didn't tell you: "professional competence" don't just know how to apply the formula

4. Career Strategies | How to Set Your Google Success Navigation Map?

5. In the workplace, there are some things that "should not be said", you know?


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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