[Drawing Books: DeFi and the Future of Finance]

“DeFi has the potential to fundamentally change the financial landscape of the future. It may have just begun, but the change has already happened.”

This time, two books are provided for everyone, and interested friends can see the end of the article!

This book "DeFi Future Bank" was written by Duke University Business School professor and co-founder of Fei Protocol. It was also recommended by Vitalik, the founder of Ethereum, and the CEO of Coinbase, the largest legal currency exchange in the United States.

In the Chinese preface at the beginning of the book, Sun Zhide, vice president of Cathay Pacific Financial Holdings, mentioned a very important thing:

“DeFi has the potential to fundamentally change the financial landscape of the future. It may have just begun, but the change has already happened.”
All institutions involved in the financial industry must understand what decentralized finance is, how it works, how to use it to improve financial products and services, and its risks.

I think it makes perfect sense. The emergence of DeFi represents the inefficiency and unresolved problems of traditional finance in some aspects. Ten years after the advent of Bitcoin, it has greatly changed human life (like the Ukrainian-Russian War).

You don’t have to invest or like it, but it’s important to understand the world’s new emerging fintech. Keep an open mind to seize opportunities when they arise.

【brief introduction】

In the content of this book, I think almost all DeFi-related concepts are introduced very carefully.

It is very good that it first mentioned the disadvantages of the current centralized financial system (such as low efficiency, high fees, controlled by large institutions and governments, lack of operability and opacity, etc.), and then further introduced the current How can centralized finance solve these problems?

The terms and operating situations related to DeFi are also explained in detail. The places I need to learn from DeFi projects that I have participated in before have been introduced, so don’t worry because it is a book and it is not detailed enough. I even think that many terms are introduced. It's clearer than on the Internet haha.

At the end of this book, I also introduce what I think is the most important part of DeFi: know what you are playing and what the risks are.

For example, smart contracts, decentralized exchanges, custody, regulatory risks, etc. are all introduced one by one. If you are interested in DeFi but have friends who don't know where to start, it is quite suitable. (However, the content of this book is very hard-core knowledge, it should not be easy to finish it all at once haha)

—— Draw a book at the end of the article————

This sweepstakes, in partnership with KBA Publishing @gobooks.youth, will draw two lucky winners a week later with a free book!

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The deadline is 6/10 23:59 a week later. Announce and tag the winners in this post!

∎ Note

① Shipping Method Books are mailed by the publisher

② Only Taiwan Peng Jinma readers can participate


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