Life Facts | Philosophy, knowledge, food and sloths - this is life.

Maybe my writing doesn't make sense, so why don't I just write freely?

※The first three short stories in this article were first published on my Liker Social account, and then revised and retouched, combined with other chapters, to produce this one.

Before, I hated philosophy and didn't like knowledge. I feel that those things are far away, far away from me, dull and boring, and when I chew them, they are just like chewing wax.

Last month, I finished reading the book "When I Met Nietzsche, a Broken Lover" . Strictly speaking, this is the first book I have read about "philosophy" . Only then did I find that philosophy is so interesting and exciting. Under the author's gentle and approachable writings, existential philosophers like Nietzsche , Kierkegaard , Sartre , Heidegger , Abbott , etc., have turned into beautiful men in Kyoto in the 21st century, speaking about them in an easy-to-understand way. thought of.

Well, you can reasonably suspect that it's because they've turned into handsome guys that I'm so interested and good-looking.

It turns out that there is no real right or wrong in philosophy. "Philosophy" is the way of life for everyone. "Philosophy" itself cannot "change" people, but philosophy can give us a glimpse into the "life and survival" of others.


Lately I’ve been thinking about what Nietzsche said: “Because life has no new meaning, you have to live freely.” (Note) I always think: Maybe my writing is meaningless, so I have to write freely. go down.

Note: This sentence should not be said by Nietzsche himself. It is said by Nietzsche, a handsome guy in the 21st century, in the book I recently read, "When I Met Nietzsche in a Broken Love".

Nietzsche also said that to become a "superman" ,
And now, I have finally become - "Beggar Superman".


Schopenhauer said, "Life is like a pendulum swinging between pain and weariness."
Sadly, the sloth found: "Life is like a pendulum, yes, but why do I swing between work and vacation? "

(But luckily also oscillates between the sloth eating all the time and the sloth laughing, thanks.)

Schopenhauer said, "Wealth is like sea water. The more you drink, the more thirsty you become."

Ah Hua, you must have misunderstood ㄅ, wealth is more like "happy water in a fat house" ,
There is enough to drink! Give me another bottle, thank you.

Ah Hua will definitely be angry when he hears it (run away)

What kind of water do you think wealth is like? Sloth spends money like running water.

Summer is coming, the weather is so good every morning, the clouds are high in the sky, can I not go to work?

Socrates said: "Philosophy is not an elite knowledge, but a very practical knowledge, and its value can be proved in the daily experience of life."

Not just philosophy, knowledge is the food of life. Russell put it this way: "There are three beliefs that have underpinned my life: knowledge , love , and an irrepressible compassion for human suffering ."

Knowledge changes lives, and knowledge enriches life stories.

Change the use of vocabulary, develop good ideas

Recently, I was listening to Jiuyin Haoshu sharing the book "The Habits of Rich People, Different from You".
It mentioned that there are two simple ways that people can reduce gossip and cultivate good ideas:

1. Stop complaining, treat every task as learning.
2. Change the words you use: Use more affirmative words, like "No problem," "I want," "I can," "I can do it." This totally resonates with me.

I think I must be a living practitioner of the "second point".

Often in dimly lit izakayas or bars, only ice cubes are left in the cup, reflecting the light alone.
My friends would always relax and lean back in their chairs, and ask me with half-squinted eyes, "Order another drink?"

I always shout out without hesitation, using affirmative words:

"No problem", "I want it", "I can", "I can do it."! ! !

Look at my determined lazy (proud).

Blood Orange Plum Wine
Nash Equilibrium

One day, my sister and I suddenly started chatting at work, I don't know why,
I have always had an inexplicable favor on the term "Nash equilibrium" in game (game) theory.

Nash Equilibrium: Simply put, in any game or game, in the situation where "our actions must take into account "other people's plans"", each strategy chosen by an individual is not necessarily the most desired. But it will be a "dominant strategy" after weighing the opponent.

I've been thinking, why on earth do I find this term cute, kind, and even a little like it? (It doesn't make sense, right!)

Later, I finally thought of...

Because there is a chocolate called "Ganache"...

No wonder the term "Nash Equilibrium" is particularly impressive and sweet in my mind. …

Don't ask the sloth's brain circuit, I don't understand, the only thing that can prove is that food is my most primitive, crude and simple happiness.

These are life, my way of life, my philosophy.

It turns out that the easiest way is to see and find knowledge and philosophy in life.

※Other sloth life stories, welcome to follow #sloth laughing .
※The life of a sloth, lazily in the square grid , Matters and ruffian country .


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