【Painted】Curse back to battle

There are Gojo Go, Qi Hai Jian and Fu Hei Hui.

Long time no post

By the way, if anyone wants to see which anime character I draw, you can tell me too 🤣🤣🤣


Ruffian State: https://linyu88.pixnet.net/blog

IG: lin_yu880229

FB Fan: Lin Yu's Desk

Liker City: @linyu@liker.social

I'm Lin Yu/Rain is not rain, I usually write poems, novels, psychological articles, and drawings. If you like my article, welcome to follow the clap.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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林宇喜歡寫詩、畫畫、寫小說,偶爾也寫點心理學文章,以不愧對大學所學。 不夠浪漫的浪漫主義者。 痞客邦: https://linyu88.pixnet.net/blog 周一晚上更新 IG: lin_yu880229 FB粉專: Lin Yu的書桌
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【宇你約繪】第二期 :末日女皇@小小螺絲釘

【宇你約繪】第二期 :英倫魔法師@炙式化