Three Lives Three Worlds Series | Qin Hui and Yue Fei

Yue Fei is the reincarnation of the Dapeng Garuda. He once captured the Dragon King, Qin Hui's previous life, and blinded his eyes. Therefore, Qin Hui sought revenge from him in this life.

Yue Fei was the reincarnation of the Dapeng Garuda. His father named him Yue Fei and the word Pengju. He hoped that he would be as brave as the Dapeng Garuda. In his previous life, he once captured the Dragon King, the predecessor of Qin Hui. Catching his eyes blind, so Qin Hui found him to take revenge in this life.

Before Yue Fei died, an eminent monk once went to instruct him, hoping that he could leave the turbulence of the world and convert to Buddhism to practice. He was rejected and would rather die.

We feel it is a pity, but also feel very worthless, although he is now called a national hero, and his fame is very big, and he has influenced generations after generations. However, as the reincarnation of the Dapeng Garuda, some people think that if he has practiced, he can cultivate to an Arhat. An Arhat is the fruit of a saint in Buddhism. Now, he is a ghost in the underworld. Know when to come out. From Dapeng Garuda to Ghost Handsome, I don't know what to do in my next life.

Therefore, sometimes it is a matter of one thought, and we feel it is a pity.

As for Qin Hui, the novel says that his elder, as the Dragon King, was blinded by Dapeng Golden Wings. He vowed to take revenge, so he wanted to kill Yue Fei. In his past life, he was actually a clerk beside Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Because of this kind of karma, he is going to become a prime minister, that is to say, if he does not join the Jin Dynasty, he is also a proper prime minister's life. .

So many people don’t actually know the cause and effect. If they did, why would they risk doing so many bad things?

When he died, he immediately fell into hell. Earth Store Bodhisattva hoped to save him and save him, but he did not repent. From his point of view, he doesn't think he is wrong. If you ask him to do it again, he will still kill Yue Fei. It is as if Hitler committed the crime of destroying mankind, but from his point of view, he felt that he was purifying mankind.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was very merciful. He put the word "Buddha" in his hand and asked Qin Hui to read it. As long as he said the word for Buddha, he would save him, and he would not read it even if he died. He was a jinshi. How could he say he doesn't know the word, but he just doesn't read it, so he is hopeless if he is said to be a vicious person.

Later, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva could no longer control him, and he didn't know how long he would stay in hell.

It has been so many years now, and Qin Hui and his wife are still kneeling in front of Yue Fei Temple. This year, Qin Hui’s descendants requested that the kneeling statue be removed, but the local people were not willing.

On the one hand, it is a permanent notoriety on the bright side of the world, accumulating future generations, and on the other hand, it is tortured in hell forever, just because of that momentary pleasure.

The Song-style characters we are talking about were invented by Qin Hui, because his name is too stinky, so it cannot be called Qin-style characters or something. Because it was in the Song Dynasty, it was called Song-style characters.

He is a very talented person, and a good deck of cards is smashed, but the Man of Destiny ends up like this.

My Papaya Begonia


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滄海一滴熱愛健康生活: 閱讀寫作,中醫養生,禪修調心。喜歡分享家庭生活,個人成長,社會事件,歷史故事。寫人生百態,發原創作品。
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