love connects us

We will finish it eventually, or terminate.

01 "Qingming"

Before and after Qingming, there will be a group of young students

Maybe in a white school uniform, maybe bright red

They were led into the Memorial Cemetery,

But in the end they lost their leader. very messy

Like a school of fish entering the sea, swimming between the jungles of tombstones.

A fish, choose the name destined

When squatting down, it transforms into a human figure, dips in paint,

Trying to redefine a long-lost name

Holding the tombstone to complete a hug.

02 "A Pollinating Brush"

According to the plant encyclopedia, some flowers are naturally shy,

Need help with a blind date. The brush is her best friend

In the spring it is used to carry messages and bring some pollen news.

A shy flower, rejecting the wind, rejecting small animals

Waiting and suffering alone, thinking that I will leave after the flowers bloom

But there was a brush that noticed her love.

All the brushes in the world write, but this one is not

It was washed, dried, and softened to the touch.

When the weather is good, join those who give up writing

Crouch among flowers to pollinate and be a flower messenger.

03 "We'll Do It Eventually"

Smoking together is like some kind of sex,

It's too intimate. maybe we are

the first time. For some of us, for the first time,

But never mind, we'll get it done eventually. or terminated.


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