Guess the Musical Version of Wordle - Heardle

It was quite fun to play, but as to whether it will become another phenomenon-level online mini-game, it may only be proved by time.

The wordle game, which was crazy on the Internet a while ago, suddenly spread like a virus with simple rules, and even after a while, it was acquired by the New York Times.


The rules of the game are very simple, a bit like the game of guessing numbers in the past, guessing a number is to guess a four-digit number, and Wordle is to guess a word composed of five letters. If the position and letter are correct, green will appear, if the letter is in the wrong position, yellow will appear, and if the position and letter are wrong, gray will appear.

So for a while, everyone should see such inexplicable posts on social networking platforms, right?

Similar to the picture above, the first line shows Wordle question 277, 6/6 means that you have tried 6 times in total, and guessed the correct answer on the 6th time. (If you guess the fourth time, it will display 4/6) The green, yellow, and gray below represent the process of guessing all the way.

Many people have been looking forward to updating new questions at 12pm every day all the way, and sometimes the answers are unexpectedly difficult or unreasonable (such as the difference between British English and American English) on a few days and even become a community. hot topic.

Since Wordle has become a hot topic, there have also been many counterfeit games, such as "Note You" which uses the same concept but uses ㄅㄆㄇ Zhuyin to guess the word (URL: / ). But there is still a gap between the level of playability and fascination with Wordle.

Recently, another guessing game using "songs" appeared - Heardle.


Basically there will be an intro for a few seconds, then a simple search bar where you can enter a keyword for the artist name or song title, and then choose an answer to guess from the responses that pop up.

Guess it like above, and then play a clip of the song. It was quite fun to try and play. As for whether it will become another phenomenon-level online mini-game, it may only be proved by time.


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Jerome連續兩年寫作不間斷,可以稍微自稱是個「文字堆砌人」。曾於多領域任職與創業,帶隊完成金氏世界紀錄項目挑戰。現音樂產業 x 文化活動產業與夢想家共同追逐獨角獸中。
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