The miracle of the pineal gland

This article has received a lot of attacks and various reports on Zhihu. In fact, the purpose of this article is not to ask anyone to believe what, whether you believe it or not, I have no loss, but I hope to share my own experience with you, especially With life becoming more and more difficult, physical and mental health is more important. As for whether the book I mentioned can achieve its purpose and whether it can benefit more people, I don’t know. Now that I feel happy and relieved of stress, has my life script been rewritten in some way?

The pineal gland, commonly known as the third eye organ, is no stranger to many people.

But what exactly is its use? If we make good use of it, can it really give us extraordinary experience, and even rewrite the script of life?

These question marks led me to see what Dr. Masahisa Matsuki wrote about, The Miracle of the Pineal Gland.

The following is the answer I realized. If you are interested, it is recommended to buy a book and read it. The description in the book is not only more detailed, but you may also get your own understanding from it.


What is the function of the pineal gland?

The pineal gland is an endocrine organ as small as a green pea, reddish-gray, located above the pituitary gland and below the hypothalamus, and has been considered by philosophers to have important functions since ancient times.

When we are exposed to the sun during the day, it secretes serotonin, commonly known as the happiness hormone, and at night, it makes melatonin, which helps build our biological clock.

In addition, it makes dimethyltryptamine, a natural hallucinogen, also known as DMT.

The mysterious experience that DMT brings to human beings adds a mysterious color to the endocrine organ of the pineal gland. Regarding this, I also wrote about my own experience in the previous article on psychedelic mushrooms.

Dr. Rick Strassman (Dr. Rick Strassman, a psychiatrist specializing in neuropharmacology in the United States), called the pineal gland Spiritmolecule, and conducted DMT research at the University of New Mexico in 1990, injecting DMT into 60 volunteers, testing The report showed that this group of subjects experienced near-death-experience-like sound or visual hallucinations after being injected with DMT.

Why is this happening?

Test reports suggest that DMT will be secreted in large quantities by the pineal gland before death or near death. This may be the phenomenon of dying experience. Some people even claim to have seen God and Buddha.

Since the pineal gland secretes melatonin at its most active time between 2:00 and 4:00 in the middle of the night, there is a saying that if you are awake or half-awake at this time, the channel of the pineal gland will be opened, allowing the We receive messages from the universe - this statement may be a bit mysterious, then look at it from another angle, at this point in time, we may be more easily inspired and easily inspired.

Interestingly, many masters also emphasize that if you can meditate at this time, mysterious things will happen. This is not to say that you will see strange things or be able to fly, but that you are more likely to have a divine realization. For example, my own experience is that you may suddenly and indirectly receive some messages, some of which are related to you. Some of them are related to your life, and some have nothing to do with your life, but no matter what kind of message has one thing in common, you believe 100% in your heart and do not doubt that these messages are facts.


Not so many people would be fascinated by the role of the pineal gland.

In the book "The Miracle of the Pineal Gland", the author mentioned that in many Buddha statues or paintings, there is a small and round mole-like thing called "pekoe" between the eyebrows of Buddha or Bodhisattva.

"Bai Hao" symbolizes the state in which a person has attained enlightenment, and when a person attains enlightenment, the third eye will also be opened.

Coincidentally, in the murals and buildings of ancient Egypt, the pattern of the shape of the pineal gland has also appeared countless times, such as the famous "Eye of True Knowledge" (also known as the Eye of Horus), whose shape is similar to that of the human brain. The tissue around the fruit body is exactly the same shape.

In addition, the pineal gland is also found in animals and insects.

And those fish without eyes, and bats that live completely in the dark, can also choose to use the "third eye" instead of the naked eye to confirm their position.

Even the huge flock of birds that look uniform in the sky uses the pineal gland to communicate and communicate like telepathy.


If the pineal gland is so important, why are so few people feeling its power?

When we go back to ancient times, we will find that the pineal gland of the ancients was in an active state, but in modern times, the pineal gland is not active before, and research related to the pineal gland has only begun to receive attention in recent years.

There are many conspiracy theories about why the pineal gland, which can be seen everywhere in ancient civilizations, is not valued by modern people. Especially if you believe in the importance of the pineal gland, you will doubt that the deliberate neglect of the authorities is actually a I am afraid that people will become too smart to master.

Whatever the reason, it is a fact that our pineal gland degenerates, and activating it will bring many benefits, not only spiritually, but also make your body healthier. In fact, our physical and mental health is tied together, causal relationship.


What exactly can we benefit from the activation of the pineal gland?

From the eyes of chiropractor Masahisa Matsushita, the organs that modern medicine once thought that humans did not need very much are actually very useful.

One of them is the appendix, which is the cecum.

There is also the thymus, the mitochondria (mitochondrion) inside the cell, and the pineal gland.

The reason for this is that the thymus gland is the main duct that controls immune function, the appendix is the factory that produces immune cells, the granulosa gland is an important substance for producing energy required for human activities, and after the activation of the pineal gland, these parts will also be activated. Get up and become stronger and stronger. If this is the case, then we will become healthier and less hospitalized. After all, modern medicine only wants to deal with problems from the outside, and the result of whitewashing the peace is, because of various The suffering of the disease has not diminished.

In addition to surgical methods, doctors sometimes tell patients that they are sick because of a poor mental state.

It sounds reasonable at first, but people who believe in the theory of energy think that it is the result of the disturbance of the energy in the body.

The adjustment of the body mentioned in the previous article is also based on this principle. When the body returns to the acuity it should have, your heart will also return to health.

"The drugs of the future will be based on controlling the body's energy," said Dr. Tiller of Stanford University.

If we want to channel positive energy, we need the help of higher-dimensional cosmic wisdom, and the pineal gland plays the role of the channel.

Sounds incredible, but believe what to lose? It will only make you more positive and more trusting in yourself.


Now there are many books and articles discussing the wonders of the pineal gland, but I believe that many people still refuse to believe it and refuse to accept it, so too many principles will not be described here, only some of the concepts of Dr. Some believe that the pineal gland acts as a gateway to the wisdom of the universe.

The pineal gland is the organ with the highest proportion of silicon. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is composed of silicon. The most abundant element in the earth's crust is oxygen, followed by silicon.

Silicon actually exists in all parts of the human body, but the content is not as high as that of the pineal gland.

Dr. Matsujima believes that among all atoms in the universe, only silicon atoms have black holes (silicon holes) inside them. Silicon holes are a special channel that can receive the wisdom of the universe, and can also convert it into the energy needed by human beings and transmit it to the whole body Up and down, because the pineal gland is a powerful aggregate of silicon, it acts as a "transformer".

In addition, a study by Dr. Rick Strassman (Dr. Rick Strassman, a psychiatrist specializing in neuropharmacology in the United States) found that in some cases, the pinealgland (the pineal gland) does not secrete melatonin (melatonin). ) to secrete DMT.

DMT begins to secrete on the 49th day in the human embryo, so some people think that this is the beginning of the soul. (During 49 days of conception, the soul is not yet fully connected to that body, which is the period when the pineal gland is formed, and once the pineal gland is formed, the expression of consciousness can enter the body)

So many mysterious and mysterious statements have also begun to attract some people to study.

In the early 1970s, Strassman also began to study monks in Buddhist monasteries.

Many monks shared with him the unreal world they saw after they chose to practice the divine spiritual lifestyle. After the practice, the DMT secreted by the pineal gland showed an upward trend.

Strassman believes that DMT affects the brain's ability to receive information, rather than causing the brain to produce any illusions.

He even suggested that DMT could allow our brains to receive cosmic dark matter messages.

More than half of the universe is made up of dark matter, but the world we live in can only see normal matter.

Strassman believes that DMT in the human body is regulating the receiving channel in the human brain, just like adjusting the direction, contrast and focus of a TV antenna, you can connect to things in different worlds, that is to say, DMT can connect people to non- In the material world, this argument has nothing to do with what Dr. Masahisa Matsuhisa thought.

If you want to know more about scientific research in this area, you can read the book Altered Traits, which also mentions the brain research of yogis, and the admiration of Dalian Lama for yogis, calling them masters of "playing with the body" and many more.


For thousands of years, tribes in the Amazon have used ayahuasca (Ayahuasca), which contains dimethyltryptamine, for healing and religious rituals.

However, after the 1960s, ayahuasca became a banned drug, and a study by the Brazilian government found that drinking ayahuasca will not only not become addictive, but also people who drink it will not become poisonous or mentally ill, and users will be healthier. , positive, cheerful, and can even be used to quit alcohol and heroin, so ayahuasca is completely legal in Brazil.

The psychedelic mushrooms in the Netherlands contain a similar hallucinogenic ingredient, psilocybin, which I have tried a few times in the Netherlands and have recorded those shocking experiences.

This experience can be said to make me re-examine myself.

I discovered, or believed, that I had enormous potential.

Who says humans are small? I don't believe it anymore.

After that, I became more positive, and I believed 100% of what was written in the book. We have the ability to do many, many things, and even rewrite the script of life.

The funny thing is, I met a psychology professor in the Netherlands, he used ayahuasca a few times, he said that it is completely different from mushrooms, the feeling is much stronger, you will really feel like you have entered another world. He said that he hadn't tried psychedelic mushrooms in ten years, and it didn't mean much to him. However, if you want to buy ayahuasca in the Netherlands, you need to be very familiar with the mushroom shop owner, so it is possible to give it to you. Besides, I was a little scared when I heard it, so I didn’t try it.


We live in a world of physical and mental suffering, so we are accustomed to it as normal, maybe this is not the reality, we are just not yet awake.

But the frequent interaction between people can easily cause energy confusion, pull down, and make us heavy, just like a drop of water falling on a calm water surface, the water surface will ripple, and then another drop of water drips not far away, Another ripple will be generated. As a result, when the two ripples collide, they will interfere with each other, and they will also be affected by the ripples that bounce back from themselves. Therefore, activating the pineal gland is a help, helping us naturally acquire the wisdom of the universe.

I also wrote in my own experience that almost in an instant, I "understood" a lot of things, and the things that bothered my mind became insignificant. It's just a pity that this feeling can't last, but you will Thinking, it turns out that enlightenment is such a state, it turns out that everyone has the possibility of not worrying, not suffering, and full of peace and quiet.

Meditation also has the same function, just not every time you can enter into a deep understanding, but it will slowly awaken your body and mind, you will no longer want to rely on any external force, whether it is medicine or mushrooms, you will feel that is unnecessary, redundant.


In the eyes of Dr. Matsuhisa Masa, the way to activate the pineal gland is not difficult.

Whatever happens, just accept it as it happens.

This can keep your emotions from getting entangled in it and lower your energy.

Master Shengyan's famous sentence in his lifetime: Accept it, deal with it, and let it go.

Back then, I didn't understand the wisdom contained in these three sentences, and I still thought it was "too simple".

Only now I know that it is not simple at all. Those who can do it are equivalent to completing the title written in the life script.

Those who answer the questions beautifully can rewrite the script of life, while those who have been "obsessed" in the predicament will naturally be unable to get out, let alone "graduate".

Be grateful and happy for the good things that happened.

It's a heartfelt thank you for the good things that happen to you, even if it's just a small thing. You don't have to go everywhere to say thank you, what's important is the happiness that comes out of your heart because of the favor.

However, looking for happy things in life all the time, there are very few people who can always enjoy themselves, especially when they are older.

I have seen too many middle-aged people suppressing their emotions and indifferently facing interesting, fun, happy, and beautiful things that happen around them. They rarely smile, and even when they hear jokes, their faces are numb.

There is nothing wrong with maintaining a childlike innocence. It is easy to be happy and easily moved, and life will only become more delicious, and positive emotions will help purify our magnetic field and bring us more energy.

Imagine being who you want to be and living in that state.

If you keep doing this, you may feel that the people around you are indifferent at first, but as long as you keep going, the attitudes of the people around you will change again, and you will get help. Moving closer to the ideal trajectory of destiny, some people may think of the law of attraction, but very few people succeed. The author believes that this is because the pineal gland is not activated.

Here are a few ways to activate the pineal gland, but I personally think that your diet needs to be adjusted, even if you can't meditate. The adjustment of the diet is just like what I mentioned in the last article. It is good to be able to do everything without asking for one step.

🌟 Look at the sun.

This is because watching the solar energy help raise the vibrational frequency of the silicon, which helps activate the pineal gland.

However, I can wait until the sun is weak, and then look at the sun in the distance. For example, at the beginning of the day or at sunset, I will stretch my shoulders and neck while squinting to look at the sun for a few minutes.

If you can't, at least get yourself some sun, but don't forget to wear sunscreen!

🌟 Use less mercury and fluorine

These substances can deactivate the pineal gland, such as vaccines, or toothpaste containing fluoride.

I checked to see whether the vibration frequency of mercury and fluorine itself will disturb the frequency of silicon, but it is true that some doctors warn that these substances may be harmful to the human body. In addition, Dr. Matsuhisa believes that the frequency of mercury can also damage the brain and nerves. cells, so the injection of the vaccine is actually harmful to the body. Although I still go for the Covid vaccine, it is not because I am afraid of getting sick, but because I don’t have a vaccine card, many restaurants cannot enter. Fortunately, I am very lucky, I belong to the Symptomatic vaccine recipients, because they didn't feel at all, once doubted whether they had failed the injection. As a result, the nurse explained to me that some people did not respond to the vaccine.

Many mainlanders on Zhihu criticized the idea that this vaccine is harmful, and I don’t know why they are so excited. I can only say that I am not qualified to tell everyone whether the vaccine is really harmful, but I want to say that chemotherapy is the standard procedure for cancer treatment. , Can chemotherapy be harmful? I'm 100% sure, yes! And it does great damage to the human body! So why do we still use it? Do we have another way? Are our bodies really that fragile? As long as the caliber of the hospital and the pharmaceutical factory is the same, it must be right?

Are you sure there will be a day when something we believe to be true won't turn out to be a big lie?

🌟 Practice breathing using abdominal breathing

When you inhale, imagine that the frequency of your body increases, your body gradually disappears from the head down, and then slowly exhales. Every time you exhale, the frequency of your body will also increase. There is a similar movement in yoga.

If you don't have the habit of meditating, you can also practice for a while while waiting for the bus, or before going to bed.

🌟 Aerobic exercise

This is my personal experience. I don’t know if it can activate the pineal gland, but I have accumulated nearly 70,000 minutes of exercise. Whenever I feel stressed or irritable, I will go for a run or brisk walk. In just 25 minutes, the heavy The feeling will disappear, replaced by full of vitality, and the energy to continue to struggle.

Jump rope is the same, if you feel unhappy, just jump rope, or jump the grid.

It was mentioned in the American drama Mom before that you can't be unhappy while dancing. It's true. Jumping can make people feel happy, and of course it can also reduce stress. You can try it.


Perhaps it is still hard to believe that as small as us, how can we have huge energy to make amazing changes.

But like I said before, there is no harm in believing, you can ask yourself, are you feeling more and more happy and relaxed during the process of change?

If so, go ahead, even if it only gives you a sense of ease, it's worth a try isn't it?


Originally, I thought these overwhelming criticisms were inexplicable, but I understood after seeing this forum 🤣.

Hawking's "chronological protection conjecture" wanted to use other intervening factors (such as the existence of a time machine that would allow a particle to reincarnate into its own past, and some calculations suggest that subsequent disturbances would magnify themselves, forming a The super energy that goes out of control will eventually destroy the wormhole, etc.) to avoid going back to the past, I also think this "idea" is very mysterious, but I will never make such criticism, not only because I don't understand, but also right The respect of experts, and I don't know where other people's confidence and courage come from. Is it commonly known as "Bangbang" as long as you can type on the Internet, and the elites of experts and scholars from all over the world will be ridiculed and criticized by you 🤣?


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