LaTex Notes (4) Chengda Master's Thesis Template

Excerpted from "Supplementary Instructions for Writing Graduation Dissertations for Ph.D. and Master's Degrees in Various Departments (Institutes) of National Cheng Kung University" "... Before reaching full English-language education for master's and doctoral dissertations, an additional 800 to 1200 words in English must be attached. Extended abstract. This extended abstract replaces the original one-page English abstract."

When I didn’t start writing my thesis, I felt that I had to do my best in typesetting. I don’t know if it was some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I had the awareness that I had to do a good job in typesetting and reduce typos for my own work. Although I have already finished and left school, I still dare not open it to check whether there is no typo and perfect typesetting that I expect.

So half a year before the start of writing the thesis, about a semester of master's degree, I decided to use LaTex to write the thesis, and extend my will as much as possible to make the layout perfect. After all, the typesetting of Word is simply garbage.

Later, I found a template left by a senior from a salary institute a few years ago (both on Overleaf and Github ), but because it is an all-English template, I made a slight modification to write it in Chinese like me. Paper friends can use. As mentioned in the abstract, because of school policy, those who write papers in Chinese must write extended abstracts in English, so I have formatted the extended abstracts in English and changed each chapter to Chinese (Chapter 5→Chapter 5). , etc.).

The dissertation I wrote with this template has passed the review of Chengda, Ph.D. and Master's dissertation system, and it should be safe to use. Links are below.


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