Record|First time to find a counselor

Live blueberry tower with friends

Having paid consultation for the first time yesterday, I kept wondering why I couldn't get rid of the anger I had towards my mom. And why can't I ever stay in a relationship for too long? But honestly I really don't know what kind of counseling is good? ! I left with a bit of confusion. Just talked about it yesterday...

  1. Why am I leaving?
  2. Why did you choose to go home to be your mother's assistant?
  3. Do I want to pass that license test?
  4. And is this industry really what I want?
  5. What did I do to prepare before?

At the end of the meeting, the counselor hoped that I would take care of the main axis of my life first, prepare well for exams, first treat my mother as a real boss or a difficult guest, and find a way to find a balance, my mother will always be my mother, and then slowly Let's talk about the problem I want to solve.

So I don't know what kind of a session is a sustainable session?

I plan to try the second one. I hope that friends with experience can share it with me and see, how to evaluate a consultation as a good consultation?


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我是心心醫檢師登出中。 【轉職路上x 情緒覺察 x 學習動能】 【我的其他連結】
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