Mintyscore Weekly Report - Is the market heading for a bear market? / Doodles is finally going to be airdropped / Azuki founder is in trouble (5/9/2022)

MintyScore provides the most complete, accurate and real-time NFT information. In this metaverse era where information is flying everywhere, you can help you grasp the most important information that you must not miss! And organize the NFT information that will be launched this week, let Minty take you to the world of NFT!

1. Azuki Airdrop Unblind Beanz Founder Was Suffered After Opening the Box

Azuki airdropped a Beanz series of blind boxes at their party last month. The blind box was finally opened this week, and the content was a cute little red bean. This time, the design style of Xiaohongdou is different from the Azuki main series. It is a cute style, but you can see similar design elements. When the 20,000 red beans were unblinded on 5/6, the transaction volume once climbed to almost 10,000 ether. It is in a relatively deserted market recently. However, the floor price of this series dropped all the way after the blinding was solved. From the original maximum of six ethers, it was directly cut in half and then less than one ethereum.

At the same time, on the 9th, the founder of Azuki also revealed that he had a black history of Rug, of which the previously released project Crypto Phunk was the largest project. I also explained the ins and outs in the Twitter space the next day, and promised that I would not abandon Azuki, and I also promised to continue to develop with Azuki. However, the fans of the community did not pay much and began to sell. Now the Azuki floor price has come to below 10ETH. Next week's weekly newsletter, we will also explain it in particular!

(Zagabond tweet link here)

Floor all the way down

2. What should I do if the NFT market enters a cold winter bear market?

I believe that people in the currency circle must be quite impressed recently! The overall cryptocurrency market, whether it is the market, Defi, NFT and other tracks, has been falling all the way, and many people believe that the market bear market is coming. From the data, it can be found that the trading volume of Opensea has been bottoming out in the past 90 days. Yesterday's 5/8 o'clock hit a new low in transaction volume, with only $50 million compared to last week's Otherside land, which is only nearly one-eighth of the volume. It can be speculated that this wave of land sales of 100,000 pieces attracted most of the liquidity in the market, and many people also chose to hold and wait for YugaLabs to plan.

Trading volume is gradually bottoming out

The recent Azuki and Terra incidents have made the original market situation even worse. Nowadays, many NFTs have encountered the situation that the issuance is broken, and many blue chips have also fallen continuously. The floor price of BAYC has fallen below 100ETH.

3. New item released this week - Mushy Monsters

Mushy Monsters is based on the theme of cute mushroom monsters. In the future, it will also send physical goods to the holders. It also sponsors the issuance of the Xu Du project. It is a community-based project.

Release time: 5/10 12:00
Quantity: 5,555
Price: 0.08 ETH

Roadmap from the Mushy Monsters project

4. Super cute NFT - Boki

Boki's painting style is similar to Doodles and Wabisabi, and the art design is cute. The purpose is to create a Web 3.0 brand, and give back 30% of the income to the community, and then continue to create a series of NFTs for the brand.

Release Date: 5/12 00:00
Price: 0.066 ETH
Quantity: 10,000

Roadmap, Boki Project

5. Doodles' new CEO takes office and announces an airdrop

The blue-chip project Doodles recently announced that the new CEO will take office, and will make further planning for Doodles. Sure enough, it will be announced this week that a blind box called Dooplicator will be airdropped to the holder. It may be an accessory in the Doodleverse in the future. Friends remember to pay more attention!

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(None of the above are investment advice DYOR)


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