Day6,7 Live Report| Go to Taitung x Impossible Mission "Green Light and Brave Feet"

Recorded that several volunteer teachers led a group of primary four and five children from disadvantaged families in remote villages on the Long March to challenge the 148km of Huadong on the 8th, leaving a mark of transformation for their growth.
Image source: provided by Mr. Wang from Green Light Seeds

Day6,7 Live Report| Go to Taitung x Impossible Mission "Green Light and Brave Feet"

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You are the best promoter~~ "Hua Appreciation, Light for disadvantaged children in remote villages", helped more than 200 children to participate in the "Green Light Seed Classroom" course tutoring for free, and let them turn their lives through knowledge. At present, the accumulated donation from creation is 40,210 yuan, and the donation of 50,000 yuan from enterprises is raised.

Good day, my friend, I'm Brother Stone - your career mentor . Continue to report for you the challenge of the big devil who hiked 148 kilometers in Huadong on the 8th.

Day6 finally came to Taichung

Today's itinerary: Luoshan Camping Area → Guanshan Railway Station → Blue Sky Hill today's hiking mileage ► 22km
Accumulated hiking mileage ► 111.5km

From the first day of Liyu Lake in Hualien, to the sixth day today, we finally came to Taitung👏!

The high temperature for the sixth day in a row, plus the children didn't sleep well the night before, the children's team dragged on for a long time this morning, and their momentum dropped to the lowest point. Along the way, "Green Light and Brave Feet" was so hot that they didn't even want to say a word. . In the scorching sun, it seems that we will never reach the end. In order to inspire the young brave feet, the teacher specially buys green herbal tea to cool off the heat for the children from noon to the rest point.

The teacher prayed silently in his heart. During the afternoon journey, I hope the sun will not be so big! Thank God for your care, the afternoon journey was cloudy all the way, the children were talking and laughing, chatting while walking, and soon arrived at the accommodation. During the review of the Long March on foot in the evening, the children took turns sharing today's thinking lessons and expressed their gratitude to their families. Thanks to my family for washing my clothes, mopping the floor, tying my hair, thanking my family for their hard work and making money, etc. Many people cried emotionally.

Image source: provided by Mr. Wang from Green Light Seeds

✅ Through this activity, let the children think about:
We often take our family’s dedication to us for granted. After leaving home, we have to do many things ourselves to know how much our family loves us!

Tomorrow is the last day of the challenge, please continue to cheer for us😘

Image source: provided by Mr. Wang from Green Light Seeds

Day 7 Complete the Impossible Mission

Today's itinerary: Blue Sky Hill → Meinong Community Cultural Center → Bunun Tribe Hiking Mileage Today ► 21km
Accumulated hiking mileage ► 132.5km

🍁Click me and the link will be: "Admiration, a light for disadvantaged children in remote villages", a cup of coffee to support Brother Stone!

The seventh day was the last day of our long march, and the most memorable day of our journey to accomplish this impossible task!

After six days of training, it is no longer difficult for us to walk a long distance. Unexpectedly, just when we thought we could finish the walk smoothly, it suddenly rained heavily after noon. The team put on raincoats and continued to move forward. We walked in the rain in a different way. On the way, the owner of Xinyuanchang Black Tea Industry Cultural Center and the director general of the community served us delicious red oolong and red bean cakes. We went all the way to the end - the Bunun tribe!

The children couldn't believe that they had accomplished such an impossible task, and they all embraced and celebrated! Of course, in the evening, there is still a wonderful party and information sharing. The opportunity to help the children transform together is the belief in my heart: change requires action.

Image source: provided by Mr. Wang from Green Light Seeds

Although the trek is over, the real challenge has just begun. May these children return to the place where they live with such willpower and courage to challenge, change themselves, and exert influence. When encountering difficulties, we can go on without fear of hard work. If we fail, we will find partners to encourage each other to go forward. If we fail, at least we have the sacrifice, dedication and selfless companionship of this group of volunteer teachers to guard us!

Thank you for your attention and support to the fans of "Green Light and Brave Feet" all the way, we have completed this impossible task!

Support Xiaoyongjiao with practical actions
Regular quota, to be the backing of children

Grateful, reverse knight;
Grateful, reverse the alliance;
Thanks, Licheng Education Foundation;
Thanks to all the big loves of small donations and material supplies!

ps. Taiwan Reversal Alliance Association is an association jointly initiated by the northern "Dream House", the central "Forestry Student Foundation", the southern "Flying Association", and the Taitung "Children's Tree House"!

🔥Follow up, Brother Stone, take you to have fun in the workplace and a happy life!

1. Summer Internship | What are the benefits you don't know about?

2. Win a job | Interview, do you have any questions you want to ask?

3. You are not alone in chasing dramas | "Shuangjia Roadside Stall" Life depends on your mentality, if you are afraid, you will achieve nothing!

4. Winning a job search|How to cope with tension during an interview and stably exert daily strength?

5. Kiva Story Box | Kindness won't make you rich, but it can help people out of poverty


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

石頭哥#傑出校友 #家扶認養人 #元智大學 #企業導師 #志工社長 #創作捐公益 /累積188,016元 #公益 #化讚賞為偏鄉弱勢孩童的光 #訴訟擔當 兒 聲昀律師 筑庭律師 #職場 | 職人引路,如風助翼 #靜心 | 覺察當下,滿室芬芳 #幸福 | 簡約生活,無心而為
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