Looking at the matter of gratitude from the incident of the photo-influencer discarding the certificate of appreciation

Every small action should be held with great gratitude. I think that the relationship between people will be a good cycle.

In the past few days, the incident of photographer Cai Jiexi has been hyped up. After he was invited to give a speech by Jinan University, he threw the certificate of appreciation and souvenirs given to him by the school into the recycling bin and made this behavior a reality. In fact, I only found out about him because of the IG that followed this Internet celebrity. To be honest, his photos are very warm to see, although the text is less attractive and resonant to me. But the point I want to talk about today is that his IG graphic style and his behavior shocked me a bit. It's much different from the character I imagined. It's really heartbreaking to see. Although I am not an internet celebrity like him, I am also a small person who is occasionally invited by the school to give speeches. As long as I am invited, I will be very happy. After the speech, no matter what I receive, I feel very precious, even if it is only It's just a piece of paper, a thank you letter, I will still take it as a souvenir very carefully! And I will be super grateful to the people who invited me and the school, because I think it is very rare and precious!! Every invitation , is that the other party appreciates you and values you, and will invite you to come, but if the other party's intentions for you are publicly ruined, I really feel very heartbroken, really unimaginable. It's like taking a friend's point of view. If you give a gift to a friend, but he throws the things you gave him in the trash and makes a video for you to see, it's really heartbreaking! Would you like to give this friend a gift again?! I don't think I can even be a friend!

On the other hand, the certificate of appreciation is a historical achievement that you have given speeches at the school/organization, and it is also a respect for you by the school. Whether it is a piece of paper or a small gift, it is a heartfelt. No matter how small your eyes are, you should hold great gratitude and cherish every opportunity and fate. I think this will lead to a cycle of goodness, and more people will want to invite you or even listen to your story. !

This is the inspiration for watching Jiexi's incident in the past two days, because his incident is also very dramatic, and at the same time, it is the first time for me to see what I think is very precious (the school thank you letter) turned out to be garbage in the eyes of some people... I won't talk about it later, because it's so shocking. This behavior reminds me that I saw a news that a second-generation rich mainlander poured several bottles of noble red wine directly into the sea on a luxury yacht as a fun behavior pattern. Behind the wine bottle may be: farmers who work hard to cultivate grapes, people who make wine, bottling manufacturers and so on.

Just behind a small thank you letter might be: the effort and time spent by those responsible for the presentation at the school, the expectations and feedback of the students, and so on.

In a word, the more grateful I am, the happier I am! Thank you for the school invitation and the opportunity! Thank you for being here today! Thank you for being alive! Thank you for having a home! Thank you for being able to sleep! !

Go to bed, and so on, good night everyone.


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小番薯星球在此連載第一本處女作《一路走到世界盡頭-一個女孩的朝聖之路To The End of The World-A Girl’s Pilgrimage》關於我徒步西班牙朝聖之路的精采故事。 我是小番薯,17歲開始獨自旅行,20歲走過西班牙朝聖之路後從此愛上西班牙,也在那邊念了碩士學位,從此結下了深深的緣分。 IG: @hanji_photography 臉書: @dreamwithhappy
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《一路走到世界盡頭-一個女孩的朝聖之路 To The End of The World-A Girl’s Pilgrimage》 第一章 下一站,朝聖之路- 家庭革命
