Rookie 3

Justin Sung

After entering the workplace, 3 good books to review again!

1.【Stop it, Mr. Feynman】Richard P. Feynman

I had in mind a specific, actual example of the theory he was analyzing, the properties of which I knew well from past experience and intuition. So when the equation was supposed to be like that, I knew it was a wrong step, so I jumped up and said, "Wait a minute! There's a mistake!"

2.【Age of Awakening】Charles Handy

Power subsidy is not an easy task, one must first understand where one's responsibility lies before handing it over. It also means that we must be comfortable with different opinions. If we are to take responsibility, we need to have a clear understanding of where our future success or failure will be measured, and which behaviors are acceptable and which are not. Only when each other can trust each other can we properly handle all kinds of differences, disputes and contradictions so that they can be resolved positively.

3.【Eraser Project】Michael Lewis

Humans make predictions by making up stories. Humans are not good at predicting, but they are very good at explaining. Whether you like something or not, human beings are actually not sure. Humans believe that if we try hard enough, we can predict the future. As long as the explanation matches the facts, human beings will accept it. Destiny has already been predetermined, but we don't know it. People often try to find the information they already have, but avoid new knowledge they don't know. Man is a fatalistic machine, thrown into a universe that obeys the laws of probability. In competition, unexpected outcomes are to be expected. What should come will come, and what has happened must be inevitable.


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