Rain's Experience|5' "Sea Fantasy"

Phantom at sea.

20220624 "Sea Fantasy Sea うそ"

Author: Limu Xiangbu

Translator: Zhang Qiuming

Publisher: Trojan Culture

Cover Design: Children's Day Design

"Haihuan, only it is really the same as it used to be. I want to cry out and pray: if possible, I hope it will be 'never the same'."

The protagonist Akino is a student of the Faculty of Humanities and Geography at the Faculty of Letters

Take advantage of the university summer vacation to go around the island for fieldwork

Unpublished paper report found while sorting out the laboratory of a deceased professor

That was a survey the professor conducted alone during his school days.

Akino was moved by the humanistic atmosphere and local customs of the island

Akino and Kajii-kun (local guide) get to know this Chi Island together

Visited historical sites, caves, temples

Learn about insects, local customs, culture

Reminds me of Zhang Jiajia's words

"Everyone encounters these things, walks a strange road in place, listens to a talk on the top of the mountain, glances at the bones on the bottom of the sea, and thinks about the future on the sofa."

The story comes 50 years later

The protagonist, Mr. Akino, is also in his 70s.

gave birth to 2 sons

3 grandchildren too

Because the government develops tourism

A bridge was built to connect the island with the island of Chi

Follow my son back to Nachi Island

I think the chapter " 50 years later" is the most emotional chapter for the protagonist

You can see his melancholy, his powerlessness, and the feeling of silence in his heart

It really makes people feel that "the only constant in life is change"

The life past of a mirage like a dream

The cover of "Sea Fantasy" is so beautiful that it looks like an oil painting

Take into account color matching and font style

The two characters of Hai Fan are also very three-dimensional.

Beautifully framed

This book feels like it can be taken with the very fragrant hojicha!

Recommended: 🏝🏝🏝


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