【Miscellaneous】Work | Questions and answers you will encounter when taking children to the eye examination



I declare in advance that I am not a professional , just a small assistant. Although I want to complain because of the things I encountered at work, I still hope to convey some correct knowledge.

The reason is that it has recently come to the vision inspection season , and the clinic is almost full of children of all ages . We took a group inspection of a kindergarten, which ended successfully a few days ago.

However, today a parent who is full of doubts and dissatisfaction came and asked how the test results sent back by the school could not be understood. Although we explained the cause and effect well, she still left with confusion...


What should parents do if they cannot understand the data of the visual inspection?

The format of the vision checklist issued by the school is actually very simple. It only has the results of the vision check and whether there is a degree, etc. At the same time, there is also a doctor's suggestion to see whether it is to order medicine or get glasses.

The parents who had problems this time used the annual free eye examination conducted by the New Taipei City Eye Care Program . This examination requires the completion of the consent form and the basic information of the schoolchildren on the returned triple form. At present , Taipei City and New Taipei City (and Keelung City, Taoyuan City) have this free annual inspection, which is aimed at all children in grades 1 to 6 in elementary schools and children in kindergarten and senior classes with suspected abnormal vision examinations. For free vision screening, registration fees and examination fees are covered by the city's budget. There is no need to register with a health insurance card, but at the same time, the doctor will not prescribe medicine (because it is not health insurance).

Details can be found here:

New Taipei City School Children's Eye Care Program Q&A

have to be aware of is:

The returned receipts are not for parents. The originals are uploaded by the clinic, and the duplicates are kept for the clinics and schools respectively.

Therefore, the above data is not for parents to see, it is really normal if you don’t understand it. Don’t worry. Usually, parents bring their children to the outpatient clinic for examination in private, and the doctor will explain the results immediately; however, because the parents who met this time were brought by the school, they could not understand the situation.

Do I need mydriatic agent for vision examination?

This question is the same as "Do children have to order mydriatics regularly? ", they are often heard in the clinic. Basically, it is not compulsory to order the mydriatic agent. If the parent does not agree or the child is unwilling to cooperate, the doctor will not tie him up...

I myself feel very at a loss for the parents' hearing about the mydriasis and discoloration . To be honest, I have had bad eyes since I was a kid. It was amblyopia at the beginning, but fortunately it was corrected in time, but later it started: farsightedness, pseudo-myopia, myopia...all have passed. So I grew up with eye drops, which do have the side effect of photophobia , but I got used to it quickly...

Diligently ordering medicine and returning to the doctor helped me control the rising degree very well. I clicked all the way to high school, and then gradually started to rise over time , currently one eye has risen to 500 degrees and the other is in the 300s.

I've searched for some articles about mydriatics, but I can't find any strange rumors , so I don't understand where the parents' worries are. Basically, the concentration of the potions that can be prescribed by the clinic is in line with the standard, and the side effects have been minimized, so there is really no need to worry too much.

Here is an article that I think is very detailed, but this website is an ophthalmology department, I have not been to it, so it is not recommended:

What are mydriatics? An article to understand the advantages and disadvantages of mydriatic agents

❸What is the difference between vision and optometry?

A vision checklist measures how far you can see within a certain distance (ie, than E or C). The visual inspection is only a reference value. In fact, there are many factors in the on-site inspection: children can’t express themselves, children are unwilling to cooperate, the eyes are tired on the day, etc., all of which will make the inspection results look terrible .

Only by using machine optometry can we truly determine whether the eye has a degree, especially because children have a strong ability to adjust, to determine the degree or rule out pseudo-myopia, it is more accurate to use mydriatic agent.

Therefore, when children go to the outpatient clinic for examination, because they have passed the instrument, the instrument data is a credible result. However, because schoolchildren are still developing, the degree of fluctuation is normal, so there may be errors in the results obtained at different times and in different clinics, so there is no need to worry too much.

❹ Can the prescription disappear by using a plastic sheet? Is there any other way?

Once myopia is impossible to cure , unless surgery. All correction methods such as potions, plastic sheets, etc. can only maintain the degree of not rising so fast . Yes, even with these corrections, there is still a risk of increased degrees.

Glasses only help you to see clearly, but do not have any function to reduce the degree.

The clinic prescribes long-acting or short-acting mydriatic agents for different needs of different patients. If you have any questions, you must discuss with the doctor in the clinic . The information on the Internet is only some ideas . no problem.

At present, in addition to the potion, there are two types of plastic tablets: hard and soft. Parents in need can consult between clinics.

in conclusion

I want to talk so much, the biggest point is to invite parents and children to check together.

Even a very big kid is still a kid, and sometimes he does n't know what's going on, or doesn't care at all. The doctor urged to return to the doctor, but there were always very few people who actually returned to the doctor. After a while, the parents complained that some medicines were useless when they came together...

It's not true, you have to order the medicine on time, and you have to come back to track after you finish it...

Especially in the childhood full of 3C products , eye protection is actually very important.

Maintaining good habits is more effective than any other method, but this requires perseverance and self-control, and the role of the parent is to act as that firewall.

Parents are welcome to go online at any time to increase their knowledge and common sense , but don't forget to ask more instructions from the doctor in the auscultation room . Now that clinics are everywhere, you can definitely find doctors who work well with each other .


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