Yindu daily wash 80 hot girl style with precious breasts

80: "I'm about to die... I feel so dizzy and feel so good for a long time."

It happened in November 2021

80. Wearing a close-fitting dress, high heels, and big breasts, she is the hot girl type you see in nightclubs.

At first sight, I decided that I wanted him to wear high heels to stab the gun.

A figure with no flaws, soft body, good elasticity, easy to knead

The special thing is that because of the softness, his feet on the girl are stepping on your shoulders.

So when you push it down, you can push it very deep and with great force, but within two strokes he said that mine seemed thicker.

He wouldn't be able to bear it. Of course I didn't believe it. I grabbed his waist and continued listening to the sound and the feeling of retraction.

It seemed like I really felt it. Then I turned over to the front because my body was soft enough. I could turn the M shape and thrust upwards and downwards.

At this time, the sound effects started to feel like they were not for commercial purposes, and you could see the eyes that were half-closed tightly.

The little brother can also feel that there is an angle inside that can be enhanced, and the 80% reaction and expression are all worth it at this time.

After that, I started to change my posture, back, standing on my back, lying on my back with my legs spread.

Finally, I returned to the front to launch. The sound effects and postures are great. When standing on the back, wearing high heels will also press down the body to stimulate.

Finished cleaning

80 said quietly, "I'm about to die... I feel so dizzy and feel so good for a long time."

"Your legs and waist are very strong" "And you're good at pushing"

The perfect score is 8 points out of 10. The difference is that the scale has an upper limit. It would be perfect if the upper limit could be raised.


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