[Various teachers] Online courses I took in those years

The right teacher will take you to heaven, but the wrong way of conveying it will make you doubt yourself. Based on the fact that I really like to buy online courses, I found that the truths of successful people are similar, and the focus is on how to convey and make them understand and do. That is the teacher who is really worth following.
Photo by Beci Harmony on Unsplash

The right teacher will take you to heaven, but the wrong way will make you doubt yourself

When we were young at school, we couldn’t choose a teacher. We also taught mathematics, but some teachers were very interesting, and others made you miserable. I think everyone except talented and intelligent people has experienced this kind of doubt whether they are brainless. In good times, there is a dilemma but there is no good guide, and in the end, I decide that I am not suitable and cannot learn.

But my dear, it's not that you have a bad brain, and there is nothing you can't learn. There are only a few key points to learn one thing: want to learn , can learn , and learn well . The first two are to find enthusiasm and willingness by yourself, and the third is to find a " good guide ", which means you have to pay some tuition and take some wrong paths. You must first understand the mode that suits you , and then there will be one. A teacher, coach or facilitator that matches your learning model.

My experience

  • English

Since I wanted to learn English, I started my search and experimentation of online courses.

Compared to starting cram courses that cost tens of thousands of dollars, I prefer to study online, because I know that my study is definitely not sitting in a big classroom and following everyone in a coma. way of learning. When I’m full, I feel sleepy and empty. If I don’t eat just to concentrate on listening to the class, I’ll feel impatient and irritable.

After locking in several online courses and trying out a few teachers, I started my online course journey.

What about the effect? You can only say that you get what you pay for. In English, it depends on your level. Online courses are only suitable for you who are already good at speaking, and you need to create an environment where you can speak a little more, and this method will be suitable for you. But in terms of beginners' progress, the online teachers probably know what you mean and won't guide you to use the right sentences to say the right words. Then you are tired and he is tired, and they have a mechanism that you only need to fill out a form, you can skip class today, it is completely designed to make lazy people lazy.

However, I found that online courses do take the material you learn and the teacher's intentions more seriously, because it is completely your choice , the teacher you choose, the course you choose, and the time period you choose. So this experience tells me that one-on-one is definitely better for me than a cram school, because I'm going to put all my energy into the class, and I'll quickly find out how effective this learning is and set a stop . In cram schools, because of the schedule, you may not be able to attend the teacher you like, and you still accept teachers and teaching materials semi-passively.

So then I locked in the face-to-face one-on-one coaching class, and my English journey finally got on track. My English teacher was fully aware of my dilemma and weaknesses. Sometimes it would add a little pressure but it wouldn't make me want to give up. This kind of learning efficiency is better than the tuition fees I have paid in the past.

  • business course

In the past few months, I wanted to explore my interests, and I began to pay attention to various online courses and paid some money. But in the end, I found that the more comments and comments are not necessarily positively related to your learning level. Part of the problem is that some teachers prepare for online courses in the same way as brick-and-mortar courses. For an impatient person like me I'd just turn around and curse at me for spending money and not listening to your bullshit.

Generally, the teaching method of cram schools is to tell jokes or nonsense in order to prevent students from falling asleep, but online courses can be learned according to their own learning status: when they are tired, they can pause and adjust their habitual speech speed to listen . So in fact, preparing for online courses should be better than condensing time.

A strong teacher will make the students keep replaying and thinking, and occasionally it is too late to keep up with the time to press the pause to write the key points.

The teachers of all kinds I have met are all whether the frequencies are compatible or not.

These experiences made me feel: looking for online learning courses is really a kind of search for teachers who match the frequency. When I listened to Teacher A, I was ignorant, and after listening to Teacher B, I suddenly became enlightened. Therefore, on the way to find a teacher, or to find a mentor in life, you need to constantly explore and contact. Learning is active , and like feelings, you must change what is wrong. Don't force yourself to follow the frequency because of the money invested. teacher.

Because I really like to buy online courses, I found that the principles of successful people are similar, and the focus is on how to communicate and make them really understand and do . That is the teacher who is really worth following.

[Hi~ Hello, I am Xinxin. My Matters focuses on learning kinetic energy, job transfer, and emotional awareness. If my experience makes you feel, please don't hesitate to give me five claps.

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