::Life Sharing::The number that has not been changed, the call of the first love

Seeing the recent big s news reminds me of a personal experience

I have been equipped with a mobile phone since my fourth grade.

The reason is just because I love running around so much, I often sneak out of the house, and my mother has to go to work again, so I can only give me a phone to monitor where I am at any time.

That number has followed me like this until now, never changed

Of course no lovers of over 20 years call me now

But when I was in high school, my first love really called

My first love was very early, we met in elementary school

Pure love is also separated because of different countries. After the instant messenger was closed, we had no other way of contacting us, so we cut off the news.

It was during high school that a strange call came suddenly one day, and I picked it up

The voice on the other side also went through a period of voice change, so I didn't recognize him for the first time.

Not at all the beginning of an idol drama


He said that fortunately I picked it up, and he has never forgotten this group of phone calls since he carried them back from elementary school to the present day.

He experienced a lovelorn and a low ebb a while ago

So want to broadcast to see if I'm still on this set of calls

That's why we reconnect

But it did not continue the front line because of this, because after that, we did not have the window of time to meet each other

But they can share their lives with each other, or boys and girls who are pursuing

Until now, still maintain a friendly relationship

Every year on my birthday, he will send a message to wish me a happy birthday

It's a small thing, but it makes me feel very moved and warm

Because I didn't announce my birthday to the public, I have closed the profile on all my social software

There are probably only a few remaining friends who will really remember and last, and he is one of the long-time friends.

Until the birthday of a certain year, in addition to the birthday message, it is to ask me, are you willing to come to my wedding?

He is getting married!

It was the girlfriend I shared with me in college.

Of course I said yes, and it was the kind I couldn't wait for


On the wedding day, when he watched his outdoor marriage ceremony, he remembered many memories at that moment.

It seems that a lot of the past seems to be just yesterday

But those past have also become the best love nutrient for each other

Before the banquet, he came over and asked his friends at the same table to take good care of me, and by the way, he helped me show that I was his first love.

When toasting, he told his dad my name directly, not my identity

Unexpectedly, his father only heard the name and remembered who I was

It feels warm at the moment. In these years, we have all matured, but we have not discarded some of the warmth at that time because of maturity.

Even if it's impossible to go back to the beginning, it's not a waste of life to meet

After the wedding reception, we didn't contact each other again.

I think this kind of relationship is a very comfortable way

Don't disturb each other and know that each other is always there

Thank you for always remembering my phone number

Thank you for having the courage to call

Thank you even more for being my first love

Happy 100 years~


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歪皮/紗卡納認真的好好體驗,這個只有一趟的人生,並且用一些文字,記錄一些小事 -
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