Everyday English Proverbs 💬|Star-related...⭐

The sky full of stars is super romantic~💫Do you like it? Do you know any English proverbs related to stars? 🌟If you don't know it yet, come and read this article. It's super easy to make up words, so you can learn it right away😻

The sky full of stars is super romantic~💫Do you like it?

Do you know any English proverbs related to stars? 🌟

If you don't know yet

Come and see this soon~

The formed words are also super easy, so you can learn it as soon as you learn it😻

1) aim for the stars

👉 Have big dreams

📕Example sentences

It is never easy to aim for the stars,
but I don't think you should give up on your dream in becoming an actor.

Holding big dreams is never easy.
But I don't think you should give up your dream of becoming an actor.

2) have stars in someone's eyes⭐

👉 I have (excessive) expectations in my heart

📕Example sentences

I don't really think that she can marry a prince.
She just has stars in her eyes.

I really don't think she can marry the prince, she has too much expectation in her heart.

3) it's written in the stars ⭐

👉 Destined 👉 Destined in the sky

📕Example sentences

It was written in the stars that they would meet and fall in love.

God destined them to meet and fall in love. 💕

4) thank someone's lucky stars ⭐

👉 Happy luck

📕Example sentences

You should thank your lucky stars that you did not miss that train.

You should be lucky that you didn't miss that train. 🚂

5) reach for the stars ⭐

👉 Set big ambitions and try hard to accomplish things that are not easy to achieve

📕Example sentences

His parents always taught him to dream big and reach for the stars.

His parents always taught him to dream bravely and to aim high.

Twinkle twinkle little stars⭐ After learning the above few sentences, you will shine

Remember to use it frequently~😻

It will also make your sentences more concise and more three-dimensional! 🥰

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