::Other People's Stories::True freedom is the pursuit of nothing

When you get along with people, there will always be a few who glow enthusiastically when they meet each other, and they will never see each other again or contact each other again, but after that, the afterimage of her glow will always fade away in my heart.

Today, I want to share a friend named Xiaoji

She met at a party, a friend of a friend. It was the first time we met. She was definitely not a beautiful girl, but she was dressed very distinctively and was tanned. It was also because of the advocacy of freedom and the activities of that day. , Walking on a normal concrete floor without wearing shoes, there is a Maltese walking around, walking a dog in Taipei without a leash? In short, she is a friend from a different world from mine, but as soon as she saw me, she shared the following story with me with great enthusiasm. It was her story and the story that I will never forget.

As soon as she saw it, she said she really wanted to hug me, and then began to talk about his previous life. Because of family relations, he used to be a restaurant girl who worked in a hotel and made a lot of money, thinking that only department stores could buy things, and he was lost in men Among the brand-name bags, being raised as a mistress, cheating and cheating are all trivial matters to her, because she thinks it's all love

She is also very active in love. Once out with a male friend, the sun was shining on his face at that time, and the profile of the car was very handsome. So halfway through the car, she took off his pants and asked if he could "bite" him. , the boy was scared to death, scared to the point of crooked, but Xiaoji said that she didn't think there was anything wrong with her, this was her way of pursuing love, she loved each other, and she would do her best to let them know and let the world know , at this time her love is a pot of scalding boiling water that scalded the other party, but also scalded herself

 This is how she is. She is injured in every relationship, but can heal herself until she meets Xiaoyin.

Xiaoyin is a girl, and she is taught by Xiaoyin. Love must be reserved, love has to choose objects, and love can give her all without hurting. Xiaoyin teaches Xiaoji to understand the world, to meditate, to yoga, and to know what is inside. Voice, also because of her appearance, let Xiaoji get out of hotel life, out of Taipei's lighting life, out of the daily life of being thinner and whiter than the United States, she let go of all her friends, put aside all insistence on life, and lived a completely different life, Putting aside all the pursuit of money to achieve material things, it is also to taste the wonderful paradise, which is better than that of men (BJ4), Xiaoji suddenly realized that this kind of love also exists in the world

 The love in the past was to hurt oneself, but the love of the present is called loving others and loving oneself.

After leaving those lives, she still has a parrot and a dog. Her pets are never tied, including the parrot. She often accompanies him to ride around on bicycles, take her up the mountain, take them to the sea, and run wild. Streams, go to the mountains for the night, take them wherever you go, the parrots are very cute, and in the video on the beach, they even go to play in the sea by themselves. I am surprised that they will not disappear or have an accident?

Xiaoji was very proud and said that she believed in her animals, and she sensed their inner strength and resilience, because one day the parrots really flew away. Before flying away, they lined up on the roof several times. The parrot said don't be afraid, you can go if you want, I will always wait for you at this house, after that, the parrot really flew away

I asked, won't you be sad?

Xiaoji replied, no, because the parrot is strong enough to choose the life she loves. Just like her, she doesn't know what her future life will be like, but isn't that the way she chooses? No one is sad or happy for me to wait for me to go home, the only thing I can do is to respect the animals around me because I love them

This kind of love for letting go of pets is really not something ordinary people can do

That's why when she saw her, she dared to let her dog walk around on the road. She said that the dog has seen many things in the world. When she really needs it, she will use her to hug her, and her dog will let her go. Walking around in the park, I often go for a ride by myself. That night, I did often see her looking for a dog (laughs) to keep her for so long, and it was really amazing.

After speaking, after listening to her fantastic journey, I can only remember half of it, but her voice and the whole burning soul have burned a corner in my heart, which will never be erased or forgotten.

Afterwards, we also exchanged other social software. A few days ago, I suddenly saw her going to meditate in a certain mountain forest, promoting sound therapy, and pursuing meditation to calm the body and mind. It’s hard to imagine this person’s past, and it’s hard to imagine. We used to be so close, thanks for her presence, let me sometimes get a lot of things

The freedom I have been pursuing has actually come with a lot of burdens, but like her, the freedom to leave everything behind, to give freedom to friends, pets, lovers, and the pursuit of life achievement is a realm that is difficult for me to achieve. I hope to share it today. This story can also bring you, for life, for life, for pursuit, there is such a little bit of waves, just like

Recently painted works, pictures and texts do not match
The white-spotted turtle back taro is so beautiful, damn it, I want to buy it, but it is expensive

▲This is my #NFT portfolio, I hope one day I can be taken away by someone with a predestined relationship☛ openseaoursong

▲My IG portfolio, there are some sketches of nonsense in it☛ instagram

▲Or invite me for coffee☛ https://liker.land/fish55555/civic


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歪皮/紗卡納認真的好好體驗,這個只有一趟的人生,並且用一些文字,記錄一些小事 -
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