Perth Diary Day 210: Before we belong to a race, we belong to mankind

To be more precise, this emotion came from my camping on the Philippine island. But after that, my behavior after this realization also gradually verified my thinking. Such behavior will help us think about many people and things from a higher perspective, and help us become better people. Now I want to share it, and I hope more people will use this as a starting point for thinking.

As many people have mentioned, Chinese people will become more patriotic when they come overseas. I don't have much feeling for patriotism. I just feel more and more that being a member of a nation brings me a sense of responsibility. , I am not looking for the convenience and pride that I can bring to a certain group, but I began to think more about how to reverse the hostility and prejudice against Chinese in the world environment.

When we were in China, each of us belonged to the Chinese nation, but there was no difference in everyone around us, so we weakened this national attribute, and we would not feel the difference between ourselves and others in terms of racial composition, and we would not I want to maintain my national image and strictly demand myself.

Based on my 30 years of experience in China, I recognize most of the prejudices and stereotypes that foreigners have against Chinese people, because this is the vast majority of my experience and feelings in China, and this is what I want to leave the big environment. The reason, I believe, is also one of the inner activities of the vast majority of readers who subscribe to my official account.

But when you are in this environment, we will be exhausted because of our own inability, because we feel the insignificance of our own ability, and the insignificance of our own people.

But when I came to the Philippines for the first time, when I introduced myself more in Chinese, I would involuntarily give myself a sense of responsibility to maintain a national image. I was speechless to refute the stereotyped letter most people have for Chinese people. , because that's where my heart is the most regretful.

Personal confidence and nationalist potential, which do you account for?

Regarding the difference between people, I have also analyzed in an article. Many people can have a great time discussing with their friends when they are in the environment, and they are familiar with the shortcomings of the environment. In another environment, we can’t tolerate other people’s devaluation, and we unconsciously bind ourselves to the previous environment, but the shortcomings still exist, and they do not change because of changes in our own situation. This is a nation caused by inferiority complex. A self-confident person will separate himself from the national malaise and establish his own sense of national self-confidence.

But when you want to change these national shortcomings from the bottom of your heart, you will be more strict with yourself, strive to establish a more correct national image in front of others, and prove others' prejudices and mistakes with practical actions. I think this is correct No matter how to improve the national image, no one can give a biased view to a person who humbly admits his mistakes and strives to improve actively.

A courage to admit one's own problems rather than striving to change is the greatest courage, the most proud courage, and the courage that can truly change one's destiny.

So when I was on the Philippine island, I strictly demanded myself as the only Chinese who stayed on the island during the epidemic. I volunteered for cats and dogs, took the islanders to do environmental protection, and educated the children by example.

At that time, I began to feel that people should first belong to the collective human beings, and then be randomly assigned to each household and accept the influence of the original family of the traditional culture of each ethnic group.

There may be disputes and disputes between different families, but none of them can change the status quo that all human beings are prosperous and all suffers. No one is spared every war, and no one can escape every time the environment is damaged.

There will also be wars between nations that hurt a family. Of course, we should fight back for our own interests, but just like we can never take anger on a child, we can’t still educate children decades later to hate disputes a hundred years ago. How will others see the family.

I started to think that what a person does should first be an act of benefit to the human community, and if he happens to belong to a certain nation, then the nation will be honored that the person has grown up in their own national culture, if the person happens to live In another family, it will be a bridge of friendship between two families, not a source of strife.

This thought begins to consciously express the expression of my actions.

And when the angle of thinking is higher and more correct, it will indeed be easier to broaden a person's vision and pattern, and help a person become better. This growth will be accelerated, although the setbacks and injuries brought about at the same time will also Doubled, but setbacks are meant to help a person grow, and it also more reasonably explains the speed of growth.

After coming to Australia, I encountered discrimination under prejudice once or twice, but it did not make me feel resentful because of it. I just regret the prejudice of their individual lives. I believe that his personality characteristics will definitely be in him. It brings various inconveniences in his own life, and the stereotype of Chinese is only one of the appearances.

It’s a pity to see that Chinese people are indeed less involved in public welfare activities. There are indeed many such people in the local area, but we Chinese are still crushing in proportion. Our traditional culture in recent decades has made us It is more selfish and self-interested, just wanting to ask instead of paying. There are objective reasons for this in history, but we still have subjective choices, and we will also pay for these reasons, whether subjective or objective. The cost, both in domestic and foreign environments.

I'm not a keen environmentalist myself, and I think it's because I'm a person who can easily see the essence behind the form and hate all forms of superficialism, even after I became a diving instructor.

But when I really began to realize that even if a person's power is small, it can still have a chain reaction of influence on others, and then I woke up. Complaining about the environment can't solve any problems, but my actions are step by step. Change.

I don't know how my two years of environmental protection on the Philippine island will affect how many local people, especially those children who will grow up in the future, will have an impact on how many subscribers and friends who have been following my official account for a long time.

But this process did start to bring me more setbacks and test nodes, which made me stronger.

Whether it is my own free diving environmental protection club or an offline discussion group I am doing, in fact, I want to gather more strength to form a greater strength locally, and reverse the perception of more shallow people. Chinese stereotypes, but I have to say that this process is very difficult, and it is easier for everyone to become interested in superficial things.

This weekend, I participated in an environmental protection activity on the Rottnest island beach organized by an indigenous community. One day of weeding made me exhausted. In an activity session on the second day, everyone looked at the sea and made sentences with the words associated with them. At the same time, I used indigenous terms and English. In the group I was in, at the end, I used Mandarin to convey another language, which moved me a lot and made associations.

we are connected, because of the good spirit.

We are connected by beautiful souls.

For a long time, all I have heard are criticisms of the local indigenous people, but this moment brought me back to my previous thinking. Ethnic differences cannot distinguish a person, but differences in personality, spirit, and soul are our people. difference between people.

Many people's Moments are no longer updated, but Moments are actually a window through which we try to influence others with our own power. This influence will take years to last. After all, every heart that is warmed by the unity of your words and deeds , will become another burning flame, but please don't sow hatred in particular.


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自由潜水教练olivier毕业于985计算机硕士,30岁后放下国内的所有,追求自由的新人生,思想于04年翻墙,肉身在18年才跟上了思想的步伐。曾在菲律宾教授自由潜,独居在malapascua岛的两年获得了思想的升华,目前移居在西澳大利亚perth。 希望通过分享我自身在自我流放中的感悟,带给他人更多的思考。 所有未注明出处的文章均为原创,谢绝私自转载。 本平台文章包括我自己的微信公众平台文章的备份以及审核不过的文章。
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