Facebook friends began to spread "is it you" and "like you" again! Clicking on the link may poison yourself and steal your account fans

Recently, many Facebook users have received messages from their friends such as "It looks like you" and "Is that you in the video?", implying that you clicked on the link in the message. You click on the link, you may be the next target of hackers, and you are about to face the risk of mobile phone computer poisoning or account theft

Facebook friends go crazy about "is it you" and "like you"

Recently, many people in Dcard said that they received suspicious messages with links on Facebook, but it was their friends who sent the messages:

Seems like you 😂 hxxps://tz3[.]link/ECgKIM5dt[.]eu

Our Facebook community " Fraud Prevention Expert - National Anti-Fraud Notification Center " also has many people asking and reporting similar information:

They all use " Is it you in the video? " " Isn't it you in the video? " to imply that you click on the following link

But you click on the link and find that there is no image with your photo or video in it at all, because it is a phishing link or a website with a virus

The purpose of this message is to steal your login information, or important information on your device

Why am I getting this message

This is definitely not a friend who wants to piss you off! But his Facebook account was hacked !

He may have been attacked by phishing websites in other places, accidentally logged in the account and password on the wrong website, causing the account secret to fall into the wrong hands, and the fraud group is using his account to send malicious messages to you

If you accidentally click on the link and log in with your account and password, you may be the next person to be hacked.

What should I do when I receive this message?

Step1. Check the URL with a fraud prevention expert

You can use the anti-fraud expert to check all the links you think are suspicious first, just send the URL to the official Line of the anti-fraud expert , we can immediately detect whether this website has been reported as a scam or contains a virus, if "yes", Then we'll tell you right away " this is an insecure connection "

Then you know you shouldn't click ❌!

Step2. Notify friends

Sending this message to your friend may not know that his account has been hacked, or even that his account sent this message to you, and the hacker may continue to use his account

So as his friend, and to avoid more victims, you can quickly inform this friend that his account has been stolen, and advise him to " change the password " immediately

And it is best to change the password for any platform that uses the same account password, because the hacker is likely to use this account password to try to log in to various platforms, and maybe it is not only Facebook that has been stolen.

Finally, if he's curious about how he got hacked, he can refer him to this article or :

Comprehensive Fraud Prevention Toolkit:


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