Life is a lifetime, the grass and trees are in the autumn, and the true meaning is obtained when you are relieved.


Life is a lifetime, grass and trees fall, and the cumbersome life that many people are obsessed with is actually just a falsehood. It seems that when a person spends the years alone, when he looks back, he once had some real pain and surprises. Just like a dream of Huang Liang once.

After the years have passed, how much of the pain and surprises of life will remain in life?

There is such a sentence in "Cai Root Tan": When a red candle burns, all thoughts are naturally disgusted with cold; Huang Liang's dream is broken, and his whole body is like a cloud.

The meaning of this sentence is to say: when the red candle burns out, all thoughts will disappear with ashes. After waking up from Huangliangzhi's dream, he realized that a person's life is just a cloud.

Life is short, don't waste life, let alone obsess over the shortness of life in this short time of life.

After passing through the years, you will find that life is nothing but an illusion, and the most valuable and meaningful life is to see through the world and face the complexity of the world with a relieved heart.

Zhuangzi's "Zhuangzhou Dreaming of Butterflies" is exactly like that. Zhuangzi once had a dream, in which he transformed into a butterfly, and the butterfly danced and flew lightly and carefree. Zhuangzi tasted the comfort and pride, and completely forgot that he was Zhuangzi.

Zhuangzi suddenly woke up from a dream, and thought that he had become Zhuangzi again, and he was surprised and puzzled. I don't know if Zhuangzi turned into a butterfly in a dream, or if Zhuangzi who was awake was the result of the dream of a butterfly, Zhuangzi and the butterfly must be There is fate, this is called materialization.

Zhuangzi and Butterfly, who is real and who is illusion, we will not investigate, but we must understand in the end that human life is just a materialized form of Dao, tracing back to its origin, everything in the world is like an illusion, isn’t it?

After passing through, which of those past pasts is more real?

It's as if many people said: "I was rich many years ago, and now I have nothing and live a life that I don't want to live at all." Or some people said: "I was very poor many years ago, but after my own efforts, I was lucky , I have the capital, and I can live a life I didn’t dare to imagine before.”

From another point of view, the life we are obsessed with is nothing but an illusion, like a play on the stage. After the show, everything is empty. Even those real sorrows and joys at that time, after the years have passed, they are also empty. But it became a bubble in a dream.

In this case, why don't we use a kind of relief and calmness to face this complicated human affairs? If you are in a dream, when you are watching other people's dreams, others are also watching you, you are watching the scenery on the bridge, and the people who see the scenery are also watching you.

As the saying goes: thinking and thinking clearly in stillness, seeing the true body of the mind, calmness in the atmosphere in leisure, knowing the true power of the mind, indifferent to the meaning, gaining the true taste of the mind, observing the mind and proving the Way, there are no such three.

Only when people are quiet can their thoughts be as clear as water, and then can they discover the true origin of human nature; only when they are free can their spirit be as comfortable and leisurely as clouds, and only then can they appreciate the new dawn; Only when you are peaceful and indifferent can you be humble and submissive, and then you can obtain the true standard of the mind. If you want to repeat the true truth of life, there is no better way than these three methods.

Secular people, the pace of life is so fast, busy all day, as if if you stop, you will lose everything and fall behind others, but we have never thought about why we are so busy, and the meaning of life really depends on Are these busy to get?

When we are confused about life, have we thought that we need to stop and see the missed scenery?

Therefore, if you change your mind to live your life, you will live a better life when you are relieved.


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