Comment on Chi Doll Chain Motion 6

Proposition 6 is a community pool spend proposal. asked for the equivalent of $20,000 in HUAHUA to complete the integration of the Chi Doll chain on their website.

Motion 5 passed, unfortunately. What impact it will have on the ecology of the chain will be discussed later in the meeting. But fear not, it is estimated that the new normal will be reached in one to two weeks.

Motion 6 is another magical motion. The USD equivalent of 20,000 was 4,200,000 HUAHUA when it was proposed, and the final settlement was HUAHUA.


User Hodger said on commonwealth that he represented and hoped to integrate Chi Doll Chain into their website. Daisy's article shares what is, you can refer to it, I will not repeat it.


1) Privacy concerns

Some people have suggested that using will leak personal privacy, because tax returns will ultimately be linked to your identity, and you are not worried about letting a third party hold such important information.

But this is a misunderstanding, because only helps you export the CSV file, you only need to provide the wallet address, no other information is required. And his code is also open source, and there is no additional access to your personal data temporarily. Therefore, using does not pose a privacy concern.

2) Charge issues

Like Daisy shared, works smoothly on the osmo chain. In the cosmos ecosystem, the underlying technology of the chain is basically very similar, except that the chains such as Secret and Juno, which are heavily added to the smart contract layer, are more complicated, but they are basically the same. As a useless mystery coin, Zhiwali has a very simple structure. Now that has integrated chains such as cosmos hub and osmosis, it should only need to modify some parameters to integrate the Chi Doll chain.

Therefore, many technicians have asked related questions, why modify the parameters, maybe 4.2 million Huahua is charged for the work that can be completed in 15 minutes? How much time do they need to do this? In the commonwealth discussion, they did not answer this question. And they only commit to maintaining the system for one year.

Some Chi-Doll validators even use their open source code, modify the relevant parameters, and send it to them ( pull request , but they refused).

It can be seen that they have very little effort to integrate. So, is such work worth 4.2 million HUAHUA?

The party stated that the request is entirely to compensate and reward developers for their time developing and maintaining tools. (this is the latest response)


Developing a software or website requires a lot of effort and time behind it. I don't know how much effort the folks at wrote about it, so I can't comment on whether the development effort is worth $20,000. However, once you have written one chain, the other chains are much the same. And has not charged other chains in the past (they say they have plans too), but charged a sky-high price to the Chi Doll chain.

Some validators who use also praised their ease of use, but also pointed out that the price is unreasonably high. They asked for money like this, and it felt like a lot of people on the Chi Doll chain would also vote in favor of the motion when they saw it.

Many of the validators also have development experience. Everyone understands that open source does not mean free donation, but this request for money is to "integrate the Chi Doll chain", which means "modification of parameters" for technicians. If I ask you to change the placement of knickknacks in my house, how much would you be willing to pay?

in conclusion

Personally, I think the request is too large, and the community fund should not be used in this way, but I don’t want to hit the developers, so I should abstain from voting instead. There are also validators who abstain from voting, encouraging delegators to vote on their own.

If you think is doing a great job, or helping you, you may consider supporting them through other means, such as sponsoring them on GitHub, which is more appropriate than using the community pool.


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