A bank's loan interest rate is to be deceived first and then reviewed.

I think this time is also a test to see my own credit

Last week, a bank loan business called me and hoped that I could handle their loan

I would like to say that if the interest rate is low, you can borrow some of the funds first.

Because I happened to have a loan that I paid for several years before, so I can process it together

The business shows that we can strive for lower than the 2.38% above the advertisement

Wish I could let him do a review first

Because the original interest rate of my current loan is 2.68%

After thinking about it, I feel that there is more available funds, so I will review it first.

Yesterday's note call is over

Today's agency business call is here

Just tell me that the interest rate has been reviewed.


Is there something wrong with my cognition?

I still have bad credit

My previous loan was at 2.68%

better not to apply

Now I want to make up the file

Said I could get a lower interest rate than I am now

Is it my problem or the bank has a lot of space

It is worth thinking about!


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廢爸一個過了40歲的老小孩 家有2貓一女兒 用正面積極的態度面對生活 會把心裡的脆弱與負面想法表達出來 需要讓黑暗面消化掉
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