"Hey! "Listen to You as a Writer in Oni Island" 76 was selected for the Youth Award Program of the Ministry of Culture


Yes, I did get selected!

At the beginning of 2021, when I received the news from my friends, I couldn't believe it. After all, this is a competition, and the competition is very fierce. It is also a place where people from both popular literature and literature are rushing to go. I have never been in this field. The novice in the application of the competition luck actually got it. Is this the legendary new luck ? QQ

At that time, when I saw my name on the webpage, I thought I was dreaming, and I had to pick it up every few minutes to check it to make sure it wasn't my delusion.

Let's talk about this award.

This award is for the writing of young people aged 20-40 with Taiwanese nationality, so whether it is novels, essays, poetry collections, etc. may be selected, and if passed, the works completed after the whole process is completed, not only You can submit manuscripts to publishers, or you can participate in continuous publishing subsidy programs . It can be said that there is no harm.

As long as the works are produced through this program, you can hang the label of "rewarded creation by the Ministry of Culture", which is a kind of honor mark. In addition, after the end, there will be a matchmaking meeting. I heard that it will be a very lively meeting. I saw pictures of many publishing houses robbing people.

I heard from the seniors that the matchmaking in the literature side will invite actors to perform the plot part of a work instead of simply reading it aloud. This is very interesting just by imagining it. I don’t know if it will continue this tradition this time XD

Moreover, the amount of one-time grant is hundreds of thousands, which is a lot of money for us poor (?) creators. That kind of dream does not need to worry about survival, and the feeling of creating with all your heart is really good Great.

Of course, for other industries, this amount of money may not be much, but it is enough for ordinary expenses in life. Don't waste it for a few days after getting it.

After winning the award, I feel more at ease, and I have better ideas and courage because of my peace of mind. Of course, in addition to this award-winning work, I will continue to create other novels, and even if I want to challenge more projects, I can also achieve it in a small way. The dream of taking materials and traveling to the place you want to go.

When this article was posted, I should have collected materials near Sun Moon Lake. I originally wanted to take the opportunity to play in the place with beautiful mountains and beautiful waters. Who knew that in the event of a major drought, I heard that less than 5% of the beautiful lake water remained. A little sad, I hope that the drought will be lifted as soon as possible, so that Sun Moon Lake will return to its appearance again.

Frankly speaking, as a popular literature writer, I never thought that I would one day participate in this project and win an award. I even felt that it should be missed in my life, just hold on to it and forget it. Anyway, after that Take it back and continue writing.

However, we can't figure out the method of his admission, because this time, there are many big winners who often win but lose. I think my meeting this time should really be mostly luck. QQ

But in any case, I will deal with this work with extreme caution, or I will live up to the expectations of the judges and create a work that even I consider to be one of the masterpieces of my life, and I will continue to create with this feeling in the future. .

Although the application method and practice are a bit cumbersome, those forms that have never been filled out will probably discourage many people, as I saw it many years ago.

Opportunities come to those who are ready. I hope everyone can try and see this road. There is a chance to try it.

The full record of the fourth review event~


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

鬱兔鬱兔,已出版35冊實體商業小說,以及多部電子版權作品,手機遊戲《啵嗲多森林》已於2020/5上架 IG:instagram.com/novelist_utsu12 粉絲團:facebook.com/utsudo Twitch:twitch.tv/utsu12 YT精華:youtube.com/channel/UClMx7MU0HLnRuybeYlNxisg 信箱:utsu12@gmail.com
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