0529 Diary _ "The last night."


Back in Taoyuan, just finished today's work.

The feeling of being home is quite reassuring.
Own desk, own bed, own book.
The feeling that everything is under my control.


On the last night before returning, we smoked something in the living room and chatted a lot about K's past.
Later, they went out to buy a late-night snack. I watched the rain hit the eaves at home, and then went in and listened to post-rock and dancing.
After coming back for supper, K suggested that we go to Tainan's famous breakfast "Victory Breakfast",
Surprised and resisted, we went anyway.
The salad quiche is amazingly delicious.

It was already five o'clock in the morning after we finished eating, and the rain began to fall arrogantly, and it was already impossible to move an inch.
We called a cab home.
The pattering rain, the three of us squeezed in the back seat, felt a little wet and tight.
Such a moment, such a state, is truly magical.
When he got home, K sat on the tatami bed under the gray sky and the early morning rain.
I looked down at K's small body, and listened to him saying that every time I go home with my traveler's friends.
Feel the distinct feeling that is not everyday.

As I lay back in bed, I felt a sense of cluttered lucidity .


Talk about the next day, the day you return to Taoyuan.

I got up at about 11, my head was cloudy and my stomach was full.
When I started to pack my luggage, I felt a sadness of leaving.

Wrote a letter to K.

The last walk, in the cool air after the rain, and finally stepping on the land of Tainan,
There is a feeling of trance and cherishedness fused together.

Before leaving, K helped me with energy therapy.
My mind was really, really used, and during the treatment, even I felt that the chakra over there was very hot.
The bottom chakra, K said, felt a cold, hollow feeling.
He said that there is no way to heal properly here.

So I practiced daze on the train and let my head empty.
Later, I looked at the book of chakras a little bit - the root chakra represents the grounded energy, the consciousness of survival and the sense of security.
I think those trivial life, the small days full of meaningless words, may bring the real feeling of being alive.


June is about to start.
K once shared an article with me, saying that March and April happened to be a difficult transition period, and so was the earth.
See who will rise above those in June.

Looking forward to June.


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