Selling NFT for the first time

After I put on NFT, I dreamed of getting rich!?! I finally sold my first XD

But it's still not what I drew XD!

Dad's ass is already up to the sky! XD

Now my father will come to my son and the first thing he will say is

Father Shenmu: Did you sell it again today????

Shenmu: Is this.... It's almost New Year's Eve... but it's not every day XD

Father Shenmu: When can I get the money? I want to buy a writing brush and then take you to eat delicious food

Shenmu: I calculated that you can get about 80 yuan after deducting the handling fee.

Father Shenmu: Then I can buy a brush and treat you to ice!!!

Dad's expression is serious XD but I still didn't get ice!!

Sell it ~ Small profits but quick turnover XD! !

Look at dad happy like a kid XD

This kind of pure happiness makes me happy when I read it XD So I bought a few hundred more calligraphy scrolls for my dad, waiting for him to practice! There will be new NFTs to watch XD

But why do I feel the voice of Mr. Wallet crying!! Looking forward to Dad's calligraphy master road hug XD! ! ! In the future, I will rely on my father to support me XD

Good new NFT is on the shelves again~~

It was the NFT of the 3D Maple Leaf before. I made 100 XD @Carol.WThe last time I agreed XD I will give you 50 and send it to you XD and then give me your little fox wallet XD

This work is called Maple Night

maple night

But I also post 20 here XD

Leave a message below your "own" ETH address


And leave a message "it's autumn! I want to eat hot pot with my beloved"

Small reminder: Ethereum wallets are: 0x at the beginning.



Autumn is coming! I want to eat hot pot with my beloved

Shenmu is so handsome

I'll give you a Euro!! Come as fast as you can!! While stocks last

Shenmu's NFT sales location

Shenmu Elf

cat and pen

Ink Dragon

maple night

Send me a cup of coffee every month and continue to support my creation (?

The coffee there is so expensive!!!?!?! XDXDXDXD


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