Celebrating the whole world︱Crypto.com visa card is finally available!

Still very happy to be a member of the Crypto.com visa card holder, I can't wait to get it in my hands.

OK, finally it's my turn to post this. (a proud smile~)

Over the past month or so, I have seen a lot of people write about the application, unpacking, and teaching of the Crypto.com visa card one after another. In fact, I was conquered at the first sight (you had me at hello) , concise The design and the luster of the metal material have been unforgettable for a long time. There is always a voice in my head: "Go on, go on, go on...", this lingering voice, I can only use my remaining rationality ~ "There are already many I have a credit card, I can't do it any more." ( But it's not a credit card! You can swipe as much as you put in, okay! ~ Damn it, I lost my mind.); and the natural procrastination to resist. But procrastination encounters a nemesis, that is, @Uncle Xin's article " [Crypto.com] What are the stored value methods for VISA cards on Crypto.com? " Kang, and there are only 3 places, my procrastination defense line has completely collapsed, plus @Eddie's application essay and @Beck's unboxing essays have been on the shelves recently, which has contributed to the flames, and I have no accident once again. Brain rushed, the app downloaded it to him, and started the card application.

lock this

After considering financial resources and needs, I decided to apply for a Ruby Steel grade card . Before applying, I saw that people often got stuck because of issues such as documents and address verification, and I was also a little worried. I didn't expect to apply at the beginning, I was like a god, the application process was as smooth as the intestines eating probiotics . From the application at noon to the afternoon when I woke up in the afternoon, the two stages of procedures and certification have been completed, and I seem to have seen it. The card was beckoning to me, and I smiled happily. The next step is to wait, alas~~ I only blame myself for delaying it for too long. It seems that I can only get it after the Lunar New Year.

Both stages of certification have passed! happy~~

However, the application that seems to be all smooth is regrettable after all . I was fully looking forward to getting the good news of @Uncle Xin, so I went to the recommendation code to confirm, and carefully entered the uncle's recommendation code again, but the result~~ will not accept the use. Reason: "The referral code was generated after I registered and cannot be used." (probably this is what it means), my whole person crashed instantly, go to the mailbox to check when I have registered for Crypto.com? I checked it out, and I had to complete the task to collect points, so I went to register for no reason. It happened on October 28 last year. What does this represent? Not only did I not have the 300Like bonus, I didn't even have the $25 bonus.

In addition to the collapse of the whole person, I don't know where the inspiration came from, " Since I can't use the referral code I registered after I registered, I can always find a referral code before I registered!?" , so I searched Matters, and sure enough I found an article that was recommended before October 28 last year~ @ Dr. Bao' s "The Best God Card in History! The latest and complete analysis of the blockchain encrypted credit card Crypto.com (2020/10) ", a long time ago article , after the result is entered, it is successful! Yay~~ I'm so happy to get a reward of 25 US dollars! (Dr. Bao should be happy too)

Receive $25 worth of CRO in return

Therefore, this application was finally completed perfectly. Although I did it on impulse, I am very relieved that there are many follow-up teachings by city friends in Matt City, so that I can refer to it slowly in the future. . Teaching texts like @cat slaves come to discuss photography and @Uncle Xin are very informative, and I have already collected them. In addition, there seem to be a lot of functions such as wealth management and rewards on the app. I still don’t know much about them, and I have to spend some more time to explore, but I am still very happy to join the ranks of Crypto.com visa card holders. I can’t wait to add it. It's in hand.


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半調子人生人生中場,生活、婚姻、職場、投資都是半調子,但,這沒什麼不好。光譜般的方方面面,都不該只有好或壞、對或錯,我喜歡現在的生活,喜歡現在我的半調子人生。 邀請您一起來參與我的分享。內容主題也許很雜亂,但複雜是人生的本質,而簡單卻是我們的選擇,擇我所愛、愛我所擇。
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