Flower of Life - No.9: Look up at the night sky, the stars in the universe are your belonging

Flowers of Life series. What I want to share today is a custom-painted work ~ the night sky, the bubbles popping up, the spinning circle, the gradation spread by countless star points, and the twinkling stars in the universe. Brought by the calm gray-green, greetings from far away...
Side shot of Miracle's "Custom Painter's Flower" work.
Flowers of Life series. In the bottom of your heart, bloom a birthday flower that belongs to you. During the journey of life, there are always some things that guard you silently, and the birthday is one of them, which contains the blessing energy of life. On this special day, I want to say to you: Happy Birthday!

What I want to share today is Miracle's custom painting~ This is a creation drawn during the testing phase, so the size is slightly different from the size of the current custom painting. So, let's take a look at today's screen sharing!

screen description

This work is a custom painting for relatives and friends who want to bless.

During the visualization, I saw a large piece of the night sky, and the unique gray-green color of the blessing object appeared calmly in the field of vision, and then the elements naturally emerged one by one. Point to the gradation that spreads, to the gleaming stars in the universe. What a majestic picture that is!

I feel the greetings from far away, the energy of life is so freely roaming between the universe, and you are just one of the stars. The universe, the stars, are everywhere, and within you and me. We look up at the night sky, and at the same time look into the depths of our hearts, the tiny light spot is the splendid scene left by your efforts and perseverance...

Let's take a look at the creative process this time!

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Two or three things about custom painting development

Many people should think that postcard-sized cards are more convenient for gift giving or carrying. I also thought the same, so when I first created the Flowers of Life series, I always chose the A6 size (105×148mm) for general postcards, and cut the paper myself to draw the pictures.

However, the center of the flower of life is a round flower blooming, so the world of paper will be a little crowded, and if the image to be drawn on the day has a large range, it is easy to make people feel too urgent visually. So after some consideration, I decided to adjust the size of the custom painting to a square of 6 inches (152×152mm), so that the space between the left and right sides of the sky is the same, and it looks more comfortable!

When I draw a picture, I don’t just take a blank piece of paper and draw an image, but also consider the mastery of all aspects. For example, if you want the visual effect of the picture to appear, you need to make a draft in your mind first; where you want this image to be applied, you must consider all the elements as much as possible. If you want to take the frame, then you must reserve a white edge before you can mount it. If you want to be able to grasp the convenience, then you must give up the excessive size... It is a basic skill to make a good picture, and drawing is actually a kind of "for the sake of others". The process is a manifestation of human factors.

In the subtleties, list all the aspects that can be imagined in advance. The various considerations required before creation are beyond your imagination, and it is not just a matter of picking up a pen and drawing a picture. Drawing a good picture is a profession, and how to present the picture in the most suitable way is also a kind of knowledge. If you just want to relax and draw, then of course it’s fine, just pick up the pen and draw happily, but if you want to market your images, it’s definitely not as simple as drawing, there are too many things to consider.

A close-up of Miracle's "Flowers of Custom Painters".

Therefore, in the process of conceiving the custom painting of the flower of life, I have used my tortoise hair to the fullest. Every step has to be thought and thought again, and every idea has to be carefully and carefully. I know that after the form is sent, what I receive is not just a custom painting order, that is the trust and expectation of the client for you. For this, I will absolutely insist on some points, because that is what I can do, Give you the best finished product.

If you like my work, I thank you very much, and if you understand my intentions, I am very grateful. I have considerable confidence in this service, which appeared after many hurdles, and it definitely deserves your trust and expectation. The waiting in the process is for the sake of a beautiful arrival, and only when I adjust my own situation to the best will I start writing. This is a manifestation of my respect for myself and the entrustment. Responsible for you and me, responsible for the work, that's all.

My name is Miracle, if you are interested in my custom paintings, please click the form or related articles to learn more.

[Your custom painting] form, please click here . ✨

Miracle's "Custom Painter's Flower" is being shot.

 ※The release date of this article: 2022/05/02. Simultaneously posted on FB, Matters, and Square.
※All rights reserved, those who wish to reprint must inform in advance, and infringement must be investigated.

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Miracle|奇蹟放送所生命本身即是奇蹟。這裡放送屬於奇蹟的故事,我是Miracle。雜學家。疾病帶我找回自己,邀請你一同參與,療癒生命的旅程。 ✨ 奇蹟放送所出沒處:https://linktr.ee/miraclewu000 ✨ 聯絡信箱:miraclewu000@gmail.com
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